Zdjęcia użytkownika Donatas Tutina

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Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Donatas, dołącz do Couchsurfing.


  • 1 Opinia 1 Potwierdzona i pozytywna
  • Płynny w English, Lithuanian; uczy się Danish
  • 33, Mężczyzna
  • Użytkownik od 2014
  • Computer Science
  • Working on a degree right now :>
  • Z Kretinga, Lithuania. Small town, good people
  • Profil jest kompletny w 75%

O mnie


Taste the life. Mmm, delicious...


23 years old student living in Aarhus Denmark. In the past I lived in Odense Denmark, Boston UK, Kretinga Lithuania. Love to dance and cycle. Guitar is becoming my new hobby also! I'm always in for new experiences and meeting interesting people : )


World peace. Smiley face. Well… I thought what to type in this section for like 5 minutes, until I got to the realization that I can’t really describe my philosophy in words. I would like to type in something creative, but then that probably wouldn’t be very true. Or can one simply not have philosophy, could that be my life’s ‘philosophy’? There are so many ways the world can be lived, so many possible ways to look at every experience and attach a different meaning to it. And my point of view for the same events seem to also alter as time goes. I guess what I want to say is I try to look at the life from as many possible perspectives as I can. After all I am still a young personality and feel like there is still so much to learn for me, so I will choose my right not stick myself with any particular philosophy, but let the world and experience guide me towards it for the future.


Since I was a child I was always interested in puzzles, in logical reasoning. I remember as a child playing with Lego contructors was for me the most fun. It is both challenging and creative proccess actually. Oh also I used to have these puzzles where you had to make a picture out of many small parts, there were lots of them, in some of them I think there was like 5 thousand pieces (oh gosh that used to take a while to finish :)). Now I'm studying computer science, which reflects my childhood's hobbies.

Other things I like are not quite from the same spectrum. During elementary school, I enrolled in sportsdances dancing afterschool. Spent 9 years with it, there were even competitions. I actually won quite amount of medals and cups heh. Was a nice experience. Though I never really appreciated . Now that I don't do it anymore i kind of miss it. Looks like that rule that "you miss it when it's gone" applied here. Maybe one day again i will start : )

Recently also started learning playing guitar. Decided to learn some instrument. I'm self taught, still just a beginner pretty much. And i admit sometimes i lose focus of guitar practice, but then some days I obsess so much that wanna do nothing all day but just jam that guitar : )

  • dancing
  • puzzles
  • guitar
  • cycling
  • computer science
  • science
  • tourism

Muzyka, filmy i książki

Let's talk about movies here. Generally I prefer movies with some meaning attached to them. With an idea behind them, that way I feel I enriched my life after watching that movie. Oh and then discussing interpretations of these kind of movies between friends is always a blast. Isn't it funny, how you have an idea of what the movie is about, and then your friend comes in and finds a completely different meaning to it. That just blows my mind sometimes: "interesting thought", "hm, I've never though about it", "yes, that makes sense". So in a way just by discussion you are still experiencing and processing that film even after watching it.

Nevertheless, fun simple summer blockbuster can be fun too. Especially with a positive friend company. Yes I probably will forget that movie in a week and will never come back to it. But that is fine too, not every movie night has to become intergalactic exploration of movie meanings and hidden symbolisms. Just to blow of some steam can be just as productive in the long run. I'm all in for that too.

Oh yeah, so some of my favorite movies(in random order): Scarface, Forrest Gump, Pianist, Fight Club, Prisoners, American Beauty, Shutter Island and much much more.

TV series: House, Prison Break, Lost, Breaking Bad.

My music style varies quite a lot depending on mood. But if say I had to choose some of favorite stylea for the rest of my life, I would take Alternative Rock

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