Zdjęcia użytkownika Dr. Faizan Mufti

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  • Ostatnie logowanie ponad 6 lat temu

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Dr. Faizan, dołącz do Couchsurfing.


  • 23 Opinie 15 Potwierdzona i pozytywna
  • Płynny w English, Hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi, Urdu; uczy się French, German, Italian, Spanish, Turkish
  • 29, Mężczyzna
  • Użytkownik od 2016
  • Cosmic Theatrics
  • Doctorate in Neuro-Biology
  • Z Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
  • Profil jest kompletny w 100%

O mnie

I would classify myself as adventurous, curious & fun loving, for life's all about that, about having an experience, a journey, to just be able to live life, I firmly hold on to the golden rule, for I've observed time & again, what we sent forth, we receive in return, & what's more beautiful than spreading joy, for me, only three things are important in life; Number #1 is to be kind, Number #2 is to be kind & Number #3 is to be kind, & it perplexes me, how do people find time to hate when there's not even enough to properly love...

If you'd like a closer look


Dlaczego jestem na Couchsurfing

I'm on Couchsurfing as it's an amazing tool connecting me to my friends in far off places which I've not met yet


My interests mainly include delving deep within the beauty of this world, finding the secrets to life, universe and everything, for, it's but a grand spectacle of art, & life mimics art more so than vice versa, & my ingrained interests towards the creative side made me take up a career in show business, my work is doing what I love, I do, professional modeling, acting & singing, for me it's more of a playtime instead of work

  • arts
  • dancing
  • technology
  • philosophy
  • drugs
  • life
  • exploration
  • entheogens
  • medical science
  • expressionism

Muzyka, filmy i książki


The music I listen to ranges from the mesmerizing symphonies of Beethoven, to the energy filled vibe of Slipknot, to the upbeat rhythm of techno to the hardcore element of thug rap, & to the creative genius of Queen


Bollywood movies mainly, but I do like western ones as well, like; The Gladiator, Ghosts of Goya, Blue is the warmest color, Paranormal Activity, I-Origins, Titanic, It follows; etc


Here comes the nerdy part, I've been a book worm, nearly all my life before I started working in the media, my favorite books are those based on science such as, The selfish gene, A brief history of time, Cosmos & the highly infamous On the origin of species

Jedna niesamowita rzecz, którą zrobiłem(-am)

I've published two books, first being a critique on anarcho-cosmopolitanism & another being an elucidation of the paradigms of psychology

I have done research work in Neurobiology, relative to the regeneration of synapses through protein coating

Represented jointly the Kingdom of Thailand & Republic of Korea in a U.N convention, outlining the foreign policy and counter-terrorism measures

Drank liquefied cannabis with Allan Faqeer (Famous folk singer & mystic) as he performed live privately for me

Saved a person's life as he became unconscious on the Viking boat theme park ride, and slipped beneath his seating, I grabbed & held him, preventing him from falling down, till the ride was closed

Ucz innych, ucz się sam, udostępniaj


About the teaching part all I can say is that, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me & I know just one thing, that I know nothing


I'm willing to learn all that there is to learn, from birth till the onset of rigor mortis it's all a process of learning, of seeing & of processing information, & the day we stop learning is the day, we die, effectively


The most invaluable thing, that I come to find, is, time itself, let's share moments of joy & laughter which will echo through all existence fixed in that particular period, suspended in time

Czym mogę się podzielić z gospodarzami

Myself & the most valuable commodity, time ⌛️

Kraje, w których byłem(-am)


Kraje, w których mieszkałem(-am)


Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Dr. Faizan, dołącz do Couchsurfing.

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