Eder Sagredo's Photo

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  • Last login 7 months ago

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  • 2 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Basque, English, Spanish; learning English
  • 29, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • I have worked in the Minery Museum of the Basque Country....
  • Secondary education, electromecanical vocational educatio...
  • From Abanto y Ciérbana-Abanto Zierbena, Biscay, Spain
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Bidaiariengandik ikasi nahi duen ikuspuntu zabaleko pertsona alaia naiz. Gustoko dut pilo kultura eta herrialde ezberdinak ezagutzea. Gustora erakutsiko diet nire herrira datozenei gure kultura, ohiturak, mendia, itsasoa...

I am an open minded person who wants to learn about people who travel this way. I love the diferent cultures and places that are arround the glove. If someone wants to come to my town I would be charmed to show you our culture, history, mountains, sports...

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Bidaiatzen dudanean gustoko dut jende berria ezagutzea bidetik, couchsurfingen bidez honelako topaketak errazagoak dira.

I like travelling a lot meeting new people on my way. I think Couchsurfing is a very good alternative to travel learning.


Bidaiatzea oso gustuko dut, batez ere bizikletaz. Horrela bidaiatzen duen jendearen istorioak ezagutu nahi ditut. Denbora librean eskalatzea eta menditik ibiltzea gustatzen zait.

I like travelling, preferably by bike. I want to meet people and learn about their stories. I like hiking, hang out with friends, go to museums and reading.

  • cycling
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • sports
  • rock climbing
  • history
  • sciense

Music, Movies, and Books

Euskarazko musika gehiena, batez ere kanta zaharrak.

All the music in Basque.

El viaje de mi vida.

Vagabundo, una vuelta al mundo en bicicleta. Salvador. Una vuelta al tercer mundo. Persona normal (Benito Taibo)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I went around Iceland by bike in a trip of 15 days with a group of friends to see the country and speak basque. All of us we made a trip every year by bike and I´ve gone around Euskal Herria and Sardegna by bike, and allways to improve our own language!

Go arround Menorka on Kayak even that we didnt know how to ride a kayak. We were four friends doing the route and sleeping in beaches for 10 days.

I made an Interrail in Norway with a friend from Oslo to Bergen. We made it in february and it was a very nice adventure.

I´ve go to the Saharawi refugees camps in Arglelia and i staied there 10 days. Tha was an incredible trip!

I love Iceland and in 2016 I did another jurney with a friend. We did all the island by car picking up every autostoper we saw. We saw our fist northern light there!!!!!! I think that´s the best thing i´ve never seen!!

I went with other friend to Lofoten islands, in the north of Norway. It was really nice to ride the bike there but I think that I have to go to warmer countries...

I went with my father to Svalbard, the place habitated most north of the world.

Teach, Learn, Share

I live in an area where iron mining was very important worldwide. I will be happy to show you my town, visit other very cool towns and accompany you for a walk in the mountains. I have a small workshop where we can fix bikes. I can also give you information about routes near Gallarta and Bilbao.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can host you in my house. I love doing sports and showing the people my town and the mountains around. I live in a old minery town so the places we can visit are incredible! And, of course, i like beer and kalimotxo!

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Colombia, Croatia, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, Western Sahara

Countries I’ve Lived In


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