Edgar Espinoza的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 Spanish; 正在学习 English
  • 30, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2015
  • Student/ half Time freelance
  • 来自Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
  • 个人主页已完成 80%


Ok let's start with this...
I'm a 22 Yeats old student who Is moving foward following a dream just as any millenial in this Planet, I'm the older brother of my little family and I love it.

Every two weeks I go to my Grandma's place just to keep listening her funny histories, or just to see some Netflix series that both like.

I'm not a very religious person but I accept the cultural diferences and enjoy the long conversations that happen when someone starts to talk about it.

Right now I'm volunteering in Greenpeace, I'm part of a local group in the city and since that happen I have met some of the best people ever, and with that a huge mind change to me, I never been a timid person but I do use to be a little pesimist and grumpy. Thank god I met this guy who invited me to be part of something bigger than me.

Last year (2016) was the first time I traveled outside the country, the first time I sailed in open waters and spend fulltime with non spanish speakers, I spend 45 days with 32 sailors from all over the world and go with them to Cuba, I worked as cook assistant with two amazing cheffs whome I keep in touch

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I'm starting a journey following the goals I want achieve, travel and have new experiences.


I love making New friends from all over the world, know about their lifestyle and their culture.

  • live music
  • travel
  • nature
  • learning new things
  • making friends


I listen mostly JB, indie, tropical, R&B music, but I can Heredia from "Tame Impala" to "Paquita La del Barrio (mexican singer)", I love SiFi, Thriller, Horror movies, my favorite saga Is StarTrek, I also love se SiFi series such as BlackMirror, GOT and of course I'm a Whovian, really need one more hour to the day to see all the Netflix series I want.


Maybe Skydive, two years ago I celebrate my Bday jumping from a plane, but last year I traveled in a sailing boat volunteering as cook assistant in a Greenpeace ship (For sure I'll repeat that)


If you're lerning spanish I'll be happy to practice with you, The city where I came from has not any kind of special meal but for sure I can cook you a traditional mexican food, also enjoy tasting new food and new things.


A friendship, a mexican meal and an open mind to new experiences



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