EditOrmos's Photo

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Accepting Guests

  • Last login about 5 years ago

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  • 4 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Hungarian; learning English, German
  • 38, Female
  • Member since 2010
  • Witch, what else?
  • Stylist. But I have only ever work as a witch >:D
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Many people thinks I have a well-working imagination, but all the stories I tell about pets, Teddy-bears or any unusual procession, material, contain 100% truth. Trust in me, and do not ask my psychologist!


Live fast, die young!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

CS is a good fun! :)

Only verified users wellcomed, sorry. I costs about 5-10 dollars ONE TIME, as I remember. Who don't help the system with some coins, and don't want to verify himself one time, stay at home!


I am interested in every gourmet stuff, I love to cook, eat, learn about food.
I am interested in fine arts, my big favorite is Toulouse-Lautrec. Great buildings can easily charm me. The most beautiful place I have ever seen was Venice, but I love to hang around anywhere in the world, and catch the soul of the streets. This soul is made of people's story who live and have ever lived there, with their every idea, feeling, motivation, success and debacle.
But the best one, is hanging around with cool people! Maybe sometimes too much I do...

  • pets
  • arts
  • humanities
  • dining
  • cooking
  • psychology

Music, Movies, and Books

On my computer in the same folder: Chopin, Vivaldi, Marilyn Manson, Metallica, Watcha Clan, Snoop Lion, Lajkó Félix, Szalóki Ági, Britney Spears.... eobscene hip-hop, and I love jazz and soul from 1950-60s.

Movies: Annie Hall, The Witches of Eastwick, Dangerous Beauty, Der müde Tod; Black Cat, White Cat; Uristen@menny.hu, Despicable Me (I love minions!), Penguins of Madagascar.
Series: Penguins of Madagascar <3; Sex & the C; Desperate Housewives; Nip/tuck; The Master and Margarita; American Dad (I love Roger!), és bevalottan nézem a Barátok köztöt.

Books: Janusz Meissner: Jan Marten kalóz regényes históriája/Opowiesc o korsarzu Janie Martenie; One Thousand and One Nights; Bain: az ékszínkék ital, Vass Virág: Franciadrazsé; novels of Poe, poems of Kosztolányi, Juhász Gyula; Az életművész hagyatéka; Heston Blumenthal: In Search of Perfection; Tangl Harald: A táplálkozás.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have two devils on my hip >:D No angels, who can tell me a bit better idea. Muhhhhahaha >:D

Life still haven't killed me.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can help U, I can teach U, if U have any problems, when U ask me, but I'm only just a simply woman. I can share my home, and I and share my thoughts, but..
I DO NOT NEED ANY ADVICES! I really hate when somebody tell me how to live, work, cook, train, what to read, what to wear, what to watch, hear or to make anything.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share all of my heart :D What else?

I only
I have a gallery in my room, U can sleep there. I have clean bedclothes and towels always. I can give you a map, if U need. I can call U a taxi, help to find anything in the town.
U can have a
I love to cook for any guests ;) I like vegetable & meet stuff and soups especially. Would you like to taste some Hungarian or do U like asian food, as me? ;) Feel free to say what U like re what U don't!

Countries I’ve Visited

France, Germany, Netherlands, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In


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