Elisa Wang的照片


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  • 5 评语 1 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Chinese (Simplified), English, French, Spanish; 正在学习 Danish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian
  • 31, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2012
  • 未列出职业
  • Languages
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 95%


I'm a Spanish born Chinese. I love languages and different cultures, that's why I decided to study French Translation and Interpreting. My writing skills are kind of poor so sometimes my messages can be perceived as weird, but I'm a nice person, I promise. On the other hand, I can listen to you in four languages so I guess I'm a good listener (?)
I'm ovo-lacto-vegetarian so I think zero meet (including fish) is almost perfection for me, but of course, I don't harm meat eaters :D
I spent my last year in Turku, south of Finland and I felt in love with the place. I expect to go back soon.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I've been hosted in Paris and Amsterdam and I really enjoyed it even if my they couldn't spend a lot of time with me, but I learned from them. I think CS is an interesting way of meeting and helping people :3 I wish I'd have my own place soon so I can finally start to host freely without having to ask my parents or flatmates!


Reading (starting Game of Thrones), manga, learning languages (specially slavics and asians), love talking with interesting people, providing my modest version about life and the world. I would love to learn about music as well, but I'm still procrastinating it.


I listen to almost every kind of music and I would like to keep discovering new styles. I would say I listen to languages instead of songs sometimes.
I haven't watched too many movies, but Into the Wild is my love and A Serbian Film just killed me. A lovely movie is Miracle in Cell No. 7.
Persepolis, Brave New World, The Kingkiller Chronicle, Alas de Fuego and La Vida es Sueño. Recently I started Zizek but it might still be too soon to discuss about him.


Erasmus in France and last year in Finland without thinking too much about it.
Understand some Danish (really, I think that's an incredible language)
Being at the IPC in Helsingør (If you have the chance, just go there, don't even think about it)
Christiania (Still need to have lived there)
2014 Summer in a political camp in Commentry, France.


If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution. -
Emma Goldman, 1931 (Nowadays is more "If I can't dance reggaeton I don't want to be part of your revolution", even though I don't like reggaeton)
You dont like refugees coming to your country, but you like their resources. - Serge Ibaka, 2015 (Think about it)


Lots of love and good company. More or less interesting talks about life, politics or languages.


Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden


China, Finland, France, Spain

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