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  • 9 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Tagalog; learning French, German, Japanese, Spanish
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • Funemployed
  • BS Physics
  • From Guam
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

keep writing


I live for stories. We create entire universes with stories -- like stories we hear, stories we unravel, or stories that we tell ourselves. That's why I'm interested in languages, the arts, maths and sciences -- instruments that not only makes us better story tellers, but more importantly, better listeners.

Life has been crazy since 2020 and I basically dropped everything in 2023 when I got arrested for something I didn't do -- that really was the breaking point for me. After that, I just started traveling and writing, finding odd jobs when I can, then travel again when I have enough. At first, it was just an impulse to run away out of anger and spite, but now, I do it mostly to re-orient myself and to find my way back to life. Which ultimately means finding new ways to relate to the world and to my life without becoming too bitter or cynical.

As I explore new places, meet new friends, share conversations about everything and nothing, and thinking about things that are just barely beyond us, I think I'm starting to understand, little by little, what it means to really live without appeal and to experience life without denying anything.

To exist is the only thing that matters. Even if there's no point or meaning to any of this, I'll always make the deliberate choice to show up and be here now.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I love how the couch surfing community makes the entire world feel like home. Wherever I go, I always make new friends who are warm and welcoming and always eager to share how they experience life on their side of the planet. It really is such a wonderful way of connecting with people everywhere.


I enjoy reading, but I also like the books themselves - especially the really old books with their outdated, yet charming way of saying things. And old books also have that really nice earthy vanilla scent that you occasionally get a whiff off as you flip through its smooth worn out pages.

I also like art. I think they play a vital role in shaping the consciousness and culture of entire societies. Whenever I feel like I've forgotten something important or sort of feel lost in life, which is most of the time -- I usually go to art museums. The pieces there usually have a lot to say about our human condition and I find that comforting.

My favorite painters are Hopper and Vermeer -- the way they give special attention to the mundane and the ordinary just resonates very strongly with me. Their art is always a great reminder that beauty is a gift we give to ourselves.

I also play the uke, recently got back into playing tennis, and I wanna eventually learn how to dance properly. I've recently discovered how fun music festivals can be and have been enjoying going to raves! I don't think anything can beat that communal release of energy and aliveness to music that just electrifies everything in the moment once that drop hits.

  • arts
  • culture
  • books
  • cooking
  • traveling
  • music
  • rock climbing
  • astronomy
  • history
  • languages
  • mathematics
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • sociology
  • plants

Music, Movies, and Books

I listen to almost everything and have a playlist for almost any mood. Check out my spotify playlists and you'll know what I mean. Username: urlamethings

I would watch anything with a good plot. The good ones that come to mind easily are Your Name and I wanna eat your pancreas. >_<

Hume, Russel, and Camus are easy favorites. I tend to quote them all the time. For fiction, I really like witty, artsy writers like Woolfe, Dickens, Vonnegut, and Wilde. Rilke and Jack Gilbert are always gonna be my favorite poets.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hmmm, I dunno, even if it wasn't my choice, I'm sure being born was amazing. Bummer can't remember any of it. Or actually, maybe I'm lucky I don't remember any of it.

Teach, Learn, Share

What I can teach:
Uhh, maybe you wanna learn physics?? I'm not a confident person. But I am confident in my ability to explain math and physics. If you can't get past the first chapters of "A brief history of time," I might be able to help you work through it. We could also go climbing -- I suck, but we can both suck together and it could be fun. I also know a decent amount when it comes to gardening and plants, cause I like growing my own herbs. Also, maybe teach you how to play banana pancakes on the uke. That song is just too cute. To help fund my travels I also coach tennis, so there's that too -- not certified though, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Speaking of salt, I can cook a bit. I sold some flan to fund my travels too! If you find yourself in Narita, Japan, check out Gramama Cafe run by Izumi-san and her daughters! They are such wonderful kind people! :)

Things I'd like to learn:
Languages. I love languages. I know it's not something I could learn in one visit, but I hope to learn some useful phrases at least.
And I'd like to learn how to make some dishes from all over the world. I think good food is a prerequisite to a good life.

History. I'd also like to know the history behind a place and the story of its people. I'm also curious to know how people in different parts of the world live.

We could share random stories, good humor, life philosophies, and share our own special methods of maintaining our sanity in this insane world. I feel like we all have to adopt our own personal versions of madness to cope with something as absurd as life. And I'd like to see that.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I usually travel very light, but I do try to bring something from Texas! I don't actually know if they're any good, they're probably just bigger versions of what you can get locally. But I can take any request :)

Countries I’ve Visited

Bahrain, Japan

Countries I’ve Lived In

Guam, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, United States

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