Etzael E's Photo

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  • 12 references 8 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Spanish; learning French, Spanish
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Research Engineer
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

About us! We both enjoy meeting people and obliviously traveling the world.

Nico from Strasbourg, is passionate about bicycles, he actually has a huge collection of minibikes. In the future he would love to create his own business cafe-velo.
I am Etzael from Mexico, moved to France in 2010. I like everything about France and its diversity. I'm learning salsa and bachata, and I enjoy being part of a volleyball association.

Let us know...

crepe or burger? crepe, beer or cocktail? beer, red or white wine? white, forest or beach? forest, small or big city? small, bicycle or car? bicycle, river or desert? river, apples or bananas? strawberries :), chocolate or caramel? vanilla.

crepe or burger? burger, beer or cocktail? cocktail, red or white wine? white, forest or beach? beach (archipelago), small or big city? big city, bicycle or car? none, river or desert? river, apples or bananas? strawberries, chocolate or caramel? chocolate.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Etzael: I had the chance to meet people by being hosted in Sydney, Stockholm and Paris by Canadian, German and Colombian guys! all of them very kind and helpful! Feeling grateful I would like to pay back and of course have the experience to have new exchange.
Nicolas: I like the idea of exchanging experience and I loved the idea of hosting people who share the same passion of doing some bike trips.


Thriller movies, dancing, rooftops, cocktail

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Bolivia, Cabo Verde, Chile, Egypt, Finland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, France, Mexico, Sweden

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