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  • 1 reference
  • Fluent in English, English, Hindi, Telugu
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2007
  • I am a web designer.
  • I am a Graduate in English.
  • From khammam| | Andhra pradesh | India.
  • Profile 80% complete

About Me


I am a good visual thinker. My job supports it. because I am a graphic designer. And the same.. I do expect the people to be Imaginative to host me.


I am Ezra sudheer (born February 19, 1987), known simply as Sudheer , I'm Slim build. I feel my self as a gud visual thinker. That is y I had choosed designing fo maa career. I do graphic designing,webdesigning of course.. I can work good on 2d animations and illustrations. my hobbies are sitting on net. just surfing is my hobbie. Apart from this I do collect Images from the sites like,,, and many..
I do love maa friends a lot. Google is maa best friends. I do share maa feelings.. with it. I clear pleanty of doubts.... I learn worth less knowledge through it.. I am always thankful to it.
I dont like sports. I hate all those worth less piece of shit.
I do read magazines but not novels and storie books... I feel maa mind blocked if I do so.I do hate children. I am Indian. But I feel to have english skin on me... Of course most of the time I spare for thinking about these
things. I am a christian. I do belive In god.I maintain distance with the thinks like smoking drinking and etc king ..?? lol !! of course I did the first 2 In the past..I had quit all those things now.
I'mnt political. I hate all those bull shit.. just talk to the hand. I feel this time sparing abot polotics is quite worthless.
I hate humor. In maa child hood I use to do a lot of fun. but term's are changed now.

About the more personal thing. I am straight. Not a mad of sex, but.... mind blows some time. I am still a virgin. I am proud to say it. ( I dosent care the saying: virginity is not dignity its lack of oppurtunity). I can command maa feelings.
I am mad of fashion. I desire to be as a rockstar. I dream.. a ton but.. it remains as it. I am smart trendy..
I love pets a lot. especially dogs. Because they are the only.. who loves us.. whole heartedly.. if we care them. I like to leave far away from the world. Because I hate all the fuck...religions..cast..race..superstitions..etc..
I had born in khammam. My child hood at dornakal. And teenage.. I jus hate those.. coz these aa the days I faced.. tonns of pobs..worries..frustation..ohh..holy shit.. lets leave it.

Travel, good people and great food. i am in love with the outdoors and truly believe there is nothing better than seattle in the summer time. share a beautiful view with me and we'll be friends for life.
ma daddy, praneeth anna, sudhanna, my blogs, ma telugu teacher, michale ballak, matt damn.. and many are ma passion..
Designing.. greetings
Blogs,Desktops wallpapers,Paper rose,websites,2danimation,flash web templates,photo cards
Illustrations,cartoons, fishing,Swiming,Listining music,surfing and learnig languages are...some of my activities.........
NOW its part of music : I am a god damn fan to red hot chili peppers.I love it ! . Its some thing more...
I keep collect their vids from this link ( ) I am bath room singer.
especially californication( vid: , mp3: Hope u'll enjoy !
Surfing net is my major hobbie. Especially I do open these links regularly.. ofcourse the blogs are designed by myself.

Any one can contact me at:
even on mobile...+91 -9963908208.

I am not much intrested of movies. Earlier I use to spean most of the time for them.. but now I understood its waste of time.(doesent matter if u wont agree wid me.)
I like the "kill bill" triology.
personally.. "HUM-TUM".

When it comes to TV.


do refer in my profile.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I can host them very better.
I do entertain my guests.
With food,drink,fruits...and with my love....
I do try to flirt them.


Noo I had not experienced any.
but I do desire to do these things a lot.


surfing internet
sentiments and relations.

  • pets
  • dogs
  • books
  • design
  • graphic design
  • fashion
  • illustrations
  • dining
  • drinking
  • cartoons
  • movies
  • tv
  • traveling
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • fishing
  • surfing
  • sports
  • teaching
  • languages
  • religion

Music, Movies, and Books

Personal - Hum Tum

*kill bill triology
*the final destination triology
*the matrix triology
*the terminator triology
*cast away
*God father
*kabi alvida na kehana
*salaam namasthe

Music:Intersts--The Beatles, Cream, Hendrix, Doors, Joplin, Tom Petty, The Who, Clapton, dylan, knopfler etc etc; Also some contemporary stuff.

Rock Disambiguation--

What it is not, rather than what IT is, towards a better picture:-

-- 'that' which has come to become the dominant paradigm, a ubiquitous fugue of stupidity blaring out of every car window, shop doorway and beneath every television advertisement, game show, film and documentary

--Instead of taking considerable effort to hear, it takes more effort to avoid the stuff.

-- Rock music (that)is indeed the chosen accompaniment of the salesman, the cheerful, uncomplaining handmaiden to benevolent capitalism. From the witless, plastic, cod-soul of Groove Armada selling you cars to the vacuous stadium rock-lite of Bono and U2 selling you a conscience

--rock music without the only things that made rock music worth listening to — the risk, the originality, the danger, the rare instances of complexity of meaning.

Sherman Alexie. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, Reservation Blues, The Toughest Indian in the World.

David Almond. Skellig, Kit's Wilderness, Heaven Eyes, Secret Heart.

Laurie Halse Anderson. Speak, Catalyst.

M.T. Anderson. Feed.

Avi. Nothing But the Truth,The Barn, Beyond the Western Sea (Books 1 and 2) Blue Heron, Don't You Know There's a War On?, Crispin.

Gary L. Blackwood. The Year of the Hangman.

Francesca Block. Weetzie Bat, Witch Baby, Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys, Missing Angel Juan,The Hanged Man, Baby Be-Bop, Girl Goddess #9, Echo.

Bruce Brooks. The Moves Make the Man, Midnight Hour Encores, All That Remains, Vanishing.

Michael Cadnum. Taking It, Edge, In a Dark Wood, Forbidden Forest.

Orson Scott Card. Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegeman, Seventh Son.

Alden R. Carter. Dogwolf, Growing Season, Wart, Son of Toad, Sheila's Dying, Up Country, Ball Catcher, Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Michael Chabon. Summerland, The Amazin

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

My life is filled with embrassment...
no such things yet !

Teach, Learn, Share

"Think big to make it big"
"If you are born poor, its not your mistake. But if u die poor its your mistake".

Countries I’ve Visited


Countries I’ve Lived In


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