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  • 29 references 19 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German; learning Spanish
  • 31, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Teacher, foodsaver, cyclist
  • Different studies, project work and travel experiences to...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

We, Antonia and I (Felix), decided to travel after we had finished our teacher's training in July 2022. After some amazing weeks of exploring the diversity of the U.S., we are CURRENTLY exploring the beauty of Mexico until January 27th, 2023 :)

Felix. Teacher for English, Happiness (there is a subject!) and Politics in secondary school, enjoys the small surprises as well as the big specials in life, yummy ice cream in a park or long bike ride, afraid of heights, loves roadcycling, yoga and pilates, helpful and caring for others, consumes alternatively, exchanges smiles and hugs :)

Antonia. Teacher at Primary school, pragmatic, creative, loves to cook and share food with other people, has a passion for hiking, can deal well with cold weather not so much with extreme heat, has good ideas to upcycle things from things that can be found on the street, cares for people, cilantro lover.

Both triple vaxed.

We want to engage with people and learn about their lifestyles and culture. Exchanging stories and some food provides a great opportunity to connect and smile together :)


Whatever you do, do it with a smile.

Life is what happens to you while you are planning other things -J.L.-

Das Schicksal geht mit uns um, wie mit mit Pflanzen. Es macht uns durch kurze Froeste reifer.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

No matter if we host or surf a couch we always try to engage with the people we meet and exchange experiences, lifestyles & opinions to learn from each other.

We have surfed many couches and have met great people in different places. We also hosted several people, often friends or friends of friends to show them how and where we live as well as getting to know them more. We have also used other platforms like bewelcome, for our surfing and provision of couches.


We love people. Alternative and sustainable living, folk traditions, growing vegetables (permaculture) or
creative cooking gatherings, seeing people share and connect makes us happy :)🌈

We love nature. Taking a hike through the forest or desert, foodsaving, protecting environment, take a swim in the ocean or a river.🌲🏝

Activities we like. Roundnet, football, road cycling, hiking, pub quiz, quality time in a library, yoga, pilates.

  • festivals
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • walking
  • politics
  • board games
  • traveling
  • minimalism
  • music
  • folk music
  • cycling
  • sports
  • swimming
  • beaches
  • mountains
  • upcycling
  • trees
  • discovering new cultures
  • vegetarian cooking
  • vegan cooking
  • open source
  • alternative lifestyles
  • road cycling
  • cultural events
  • repairing things

Music, Movies, and Books

Queen, Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, TOPS, Genesis, Lana del Rey, U2, Pet Shop Boys, America, The War on Drugs, Angus & Julia Stone, 80s+90s Party, Kraftklub, Future Islands, Don Henley, The National, Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever

Arundathi Roy (The God of small Things), books about nutrition, 20 year old National Geographics, Aldous Huxley (Brave New World), Caught between Cultures, Yuval Harari (Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit), Maja Lunde (History of the bees), Biographies (Obama)

There are a couple, but we are not watching movies very often (although Felix enjoys it a lot:)) however we would love to watch a movie of your culture!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hiking down in the Grand Canyon and up again experiencing three different climate zones.

Moderating my prom night with one of my best friends!

Swimming in the clear and turquoise water of Abel Tasman. A feeling of freedom!

Preparing a sauna in the North of Finland by using the snow :)

Giving free hugs in the street of Christchurch!

Hierve del Aqua in Oaxaca! A natural swimming pool in the mountains!

Being up on the Arc de Triumph in Paris at night. So romantic!

Teach, Learn, Share

Felix: wants to learn how to play the drums, Spanish, more about indigineous cultures and permaculture, about local music

Antonia: permaculture gardening, how to take care of a worm farm, Spanish, pottery, guitar

how to cook different cuisines, how to repair a bike, tricks on a diabolo, basic yoga, how to repair clothes or furniture, German, gardening.

What I Can Share with Hosts

We love to cook together with or for our host! We may even be able to prepare some food you have not tried before yet :)
Sharing stories about life, experiences and travel adventures.
We can help to fix bikes or take care of the (veggie) garden :)

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Palestine, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

France, New Zealand

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches

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