Fotos de Fernando Iturriaga

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  • Última conexión hace alrededor de 1 año

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Fernando.


  • 37 recomendaciones 20 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Spanish; está aprendiendo French, German, Japanese, Vietnamese
  • 28, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2014
  • Student
  • SIT NZ
  • De Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I consider myself as a young curious , respectful , open minded guy who wants to keep learning and meet a wide variety of people from different paths in life. I'm passionate about photography and I have some projects on mind to photograph people from all over the world. I really want to go to space. Those are some of my dreams, then I can die happily. Till now let's keep traveling around our beautiful planet.

I've been lucky enough to meet great people with this platform. I originally created this account a few years back. Without having much luck because I did not know anyone on the community and my lack of references I couldn't find anyone to host me. Everything changed nearly a year ago where I had the privilege to surf in Tijuana , Mexico. Since then I always try to couch surf to learn, specially locals who love their cities/ towns. They can change the way we look at our destination with their company. I honestly love the community. I know some people do it for some other purposes that are not related to traveling whatsoever but I'm glad theres more people looking to have a great time without expecting anything in return.

Currently I'm traveling around New Zealand to discover this amazing country, its food and wonderful people willing to share their knowledge with me. I just came back from a 6 months of traveling around North , Central and the Caribbean. A trip full of great people that helped along the way. I learned a lot about the world. It was fascinating for me experiencing how locals live around the world. Thanks to this community! My plan is to keep learning and try to help travelers.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I would like to experience and try things that only locals know about. Get to know people that have different experiences in life. To make new friends around the globe. I'm curious to learn more about the world and their people. Also to show my friends and family that there is far more nice and helpful people in this Earth than dangerous people out there.


*New Cultures/languages
*Football and Sports
*What is life?
*Your story
*French language
*Japanese language.
*outdoor activities

  • arts
  • writing
  • fashion
  • photography
  • concerts
  • dining
  • wine
  • beer
  • japanese food
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • languages
  • hitchhiking
  • beach
  • football
  • people
  • bars
  • learning new things
  • chilling
  • water sports
  • gastronomy
  • french
  • theme parks

Música, películas y libros

Forrest gump, The Shawshank Redemption, The pursuit of happiness, Titanic, Into the wild, Babel, 3 idiots, Nebraska.

Latin music, rock, pop, electronic, jazz. I'm not fussy I like a bit of everything.

Algo increíble que he hecho

•My first solo trip I did was when I was 15 years old.

•Bungy jumped from the highest Bungy in NZ celebrating my friend's 18 birthday, it was a lot of fun.

•After gaining interest on the japanese language I self taught myself the basics of the language to then later taking a spontaneous trip to Tokyo.

•Having thanksgiving dinner in Hawaii with wonderful people.

•Hitchhiked all around Mexico and a bit of Central America.

Seen a sunrise and sunset on the same day at a beautiful beach in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I could teach the community my knowledge on the spanish language.
I could teach you some photography skills.
English even though is not my first language I'm more than capable to help you improve yours.
Chilean slangs.
Kiwi slangs.
I'm pretty good at Football and Tennis so I could teach you a few skills in any of those two sports.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

A positive and enthusiastic attitude always willing to help and learn. I can share my story and a good sense of humour with you.

I can cook a nice meal for you. I love cooking. Although I don't consider myself the best. It's a hobbie of mine.

Países que he visitado

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Germany, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Thailand, United States, Viet Nam

Países en los que he vivido

Chile, Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, Viet Nam

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Fernando.

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