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À propos de moi
Live my life, try to live by full life in every moment ;)
Жить своей жизнью, стараясь максимально ее наполнить и максимально выложиться
I love to travel, meet new people. I like very much to get out of town for cycling and hiking. Also i adore to do photoshots of nature, animals and people. Music and cinema is always with me through life. Hanging around with friends and crashing some parties is also an important part of my life. :) Also to ride somewhere by my moped is my real passion. I like to create and think up something: poetry lines, stories, videoclips... Do it all time that I live
Очень люблю путешествовать, открывать новые места, встречать новых людей. Обожаю кататься на своем мопеде. Фотографирование людей, животных, событий тоже одно из моих главных увлечений. Музыка и кино всегда со мной по жизни, особенно музыка. Она создаёт настроение. Люблю, как побыть в одиночестве и что-то придумать, сочинить: поэтические строчки, историю, видеорассказ, так и встречаться со знакомыми и проводить вместе время
Places where i have been:
Места, где я был
my profiles in social networks:
Мои странички в соцсетях:
my Whatsapp: +79197891311 (if i don't answer please contact here)
my Telegram: +79197891311
my phone numbers:
+79197891311 (mts mobile operator)
+79520702300 (tele2 mobile operator)
Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing
I look for hosts for my journeys and when I at my home I also can offer a couch
Встречать новых людей, узнавать что-то свежее, получать новые опыт и эмоции. Раньше очень много путешествовал сам и был гостем, а сейчас могу принимать путешественников в довольно популярном городе в своем собственном маленьком жилье
some advices for people who going to Russia
1. for city transport you can download application 2GIS (it works offline and has english interface. also for 2GIS you can download bases for almost all big russian cities -
2. if you want to order taxi better to use mobile applications. some of them: Yandex.Taxi, Maxim, Vezet. Also these services possible to use just through browser. For example: I think the cheapest of these services is Vezet.
3. if you need to buy russian sim-card, you should to know that tariffs for moscow sim-cards usually more expensive than for sim-cards of other regions
4. for connection to public wi-fi in russia you should to indeficate yourself. for this aim better to have local sim-card
5. for buying of russian sim-card you obligate to show your passport. For price approximately in 350 rub you can get unlimited internet by territory of all Russia
6. for railroad tickets go to this site: (english version - or you can use mobile application from RZD. usually possible to buy railroad tickets 90 days in advance
7. in russia the most popular ridesharing service is blablacar (site -
8. to travel by russia by buses for the long distances is not the best idea because planes and trains usually are cheaper and much more comfortably but if you will need you should to check this site for schedule:,
9. it depends of region but usually you can buy alcohol in duration of this time: 10.00-22.00 (but for example in yakutia national republic only from 14.00 to 20.00)
Centres d'intérêt
Music, photo, art, design, sport, travellings, video editing, poetry, retro mopeds, vintage clothing
Музыка, кино, искусство, дизайн, фотография, видеомонтаж, спорт, винтажная одежда, ретро мопеды, путешествия, сочинять и писать что-то
- design
- interior design
- photography
- chinese food
- vegetarian
- alternative music
- punk music
- hiking
- sports
- journalism
- hitchhiking
- volunteering
- cinema
- football
- sci-fi
- drama
- bicycle
- horror movies
- foreign languages
- punk
- landscapes
- vegetarian cooking
- vintage clothing
- journaling
- gothic music
- hardcore
- fc barcelona
- gothic
- scooters
- arsenal
- vintage fashion
- videoediting
- post-punk
- ska
- mountain hiking
- retro
- work abroad
- far east
- scooter
- mopeds
- darkwave
- lowcost
- synth pop
- gothic literature
Morceaux de musique, films et livres
Music - alternative, post-punk, darkwave, gothic rock, ska, punk, hardcore, psychobilly, reggae, 8-bit, hip-hop, post-rock, grunge, synthpop, hit songs from 70-80s
Movies - horror films, old gangster films, sci-fi, biopics, dramas, thrillers, ...
... really i'm big fan of cinema ;)
Books - sci-fi, antiutopias, subculture books
Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue
- bicycle adventure on "Road of Death" in Bolivia
- 4-day trip on the boat through jungle by the great river Amazon
- climbing to the peak Guagua (4 784 m) of volcano Pichincha nearly the ecudorian capital Kito
- climbing to the top of Avachinsky volcano (2741 metres) in Kamchatka
- travelling somewhere in the heart of taiga by the wild roads nearly the Baikal lake
- working as volunteer on the Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi
- hitchhiking experience around the world
- walking by the narrow board along the rock over the abyss with the depth about 2000 metres (it was in mountain Hua in China)
- all my trips by the far east of Russia (Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsky Krai, Yakutia, Magadan region in 2021 and 2022)
- ...
Enseignez, apprenez, partagez
I can teach the basics of russian language and some staff about photography and design. Also I can give some usefull advices for cheap travels around the world
С удовольствием поделюсь тем, что знаю сам. Также было бы интересно узнать что-то новое для меня так, как я чертовски любопытен
Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes
advices about travelling in Russia, and about low-cost trips in general, advices about photography and design, some lessons of russian language, stories from different countries. can cook something. to go somewhere together for hiking or climbing. afterwards will glad to see you in my home ;)
болтовню на самые разные темы, советы по бюджетным путешествиям, поделиться своими знаниями в области фотографии и дизайна, рассказать о различных культурах и жизни в разных странах. Было бы интересно выбраться куда-то вместе погулять по городу или за городом. Впоследствии также могу принять в своем жилье
Pays que j'ai visités
Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Viet Nam
Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu
Russian Federation