Franco Zambonini's Photo

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  • Last login almost 3 years ago

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  • 10 references 8 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish; learning Italian, Portuguese
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • Professional video maker, artist, traveler.
  • Audiovisual Director and Producer. Circus professional ar...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Currently i'm taking a rest in Buenos Aires, since the Covid-19 has changed my plans. So, If you are travelling Argentina, and you Read this, Ring the bell. I'm always down for hanging out.

Life is three days and two have passed! Let's laugh!

Actualmente estoy descansando en Buenos Aires, ya que el Covid-19 ha cambiado mis planes. Entonces, si estás viajando por Argentina y lees esto, toca el timbre. Siempre estoy dispuesto a pasar el rato.

Espero que podamos encontrarnos y compartir nuestras alegrías

La vida son tres días y ya pasaron dos! Vamooos a reir!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I have decided to travel as much as possible, but that does not make me a millionaire.
I have resources to resolve my income on the trip, as an artist, photographer, actor, landscaper or bartender ... (these are just some of the things I do to make money) ...

Therefore always sharing accommodation with a local, it is excellent for the budget ...
(IT DOESN'T MEAN FREE OF CHARGE) I love to delight people who trust and open their doors with meals or surprises ...


He decidido viajar todo lo posible, pero eso no me convierte en un millonario.
Tengo recursos para ir resolviendo mis ingresos en el viaje, como artista, fotógrafo, actor, paisajista o bartender... ( son solo algunas de las cosas que hago para ganar dinero)...

Por ende siempre compartir alojamiento con un local, es excelente para el presupuesto...
( NO NECESARIAMENTE tiene que ser sin costo) me encanta deleitar con comidas o sorpresas a la gente que confía y me habré sus puertas...


Creo que estamos en esta vida para ganar conocimiento y disfrutar lo que la tierra nos da. El conocimiento se gana andando y en ese momento empiezo a viajar. La curiosidad es lo que me hace andar por esta tierra.

I believe that we are in this life to gain knowledge and enjoy what the earth gives us. Knowledge is gained by walking and at that moment I begin to travel. Curiosity is what makes me walk this earth.

  • yoga
  • drones
  • solo travel
  • travel
  • musica
  • slackline
  • circus
  • fotografía
  • arte
  • acroyoga
  • circo
  • paisajes

Music, Movies, and Books

El principito, Into The wild, gladiador, Alice in wonderland, The fall, y muchisiiimas mas.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was encouraged to travel throughout Latin America by hitchhiking, only with my art. From that successful adventure my love and courage was born to keep going forever. Now I venture to the North American continent and some countries of Europe, i'm going for more. I want to know at least every continent.
Me anime a recorrer todo latinoamerica a dedo, solo con mi arte. De esa exitosa aventura nacio mi amor y coraje para seguir adelante siempre. Ahora me aventure al continente norte americano y algunos paises de europa, voy por mas. Quiero conocer al menos todos los continentes.

Teach, Learn, Share

Photography, Circus, Juggling, SlackLine, Acroyoga, yoga, bartender, cook and grill.
About the rest we can chat. I don't know much about everything, but we can google it!


Fotografia, Circo, Malabares, SlackLine, Acroyoga, yoga, bartender, cocinero y asador.
Sobre lo demas podemos charlar. no se mucho de todo, pero lo podemos googlear!

What I Can Share with Hosts

I have no problem cooking, cleaning or helping with arrangements at home. I have experiences in permaculture and garden management, in case you have plans to dress the house, also mechanics and crafts ... I manage to accommodate situations.


No tengo problema en cocinar, limpiar o ayudar con arreglos en la casa. Tengo experiencias en permacultura y manejo de huertas, por si estas con planes de aliñar la casa, tambien mecanica y artesanias... me las ingenio para apañar las situaciones.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Greece, Italy, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Argentina, Ecuador, United States

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