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  • 15 references 12 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Italian, Spanish
  • 35, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Living, Meeting People, Smiling, Travelling. Observing, T...
  • Scientific High School and University of Medicine
  • From Tivoli, Rome, Italy
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

***** I CAN'T HOST AT THE MOMENT 😢 *****


Going to Space. and I'm planning to go one day of these, time to backpack and go. If you wanna join me... :)


Hey there! I am Gabriele from Rome and I'm glad you just landed on my profile! So Welcome!!!
I am a medical doctor on the working side, but I'm also a traveller and a passionate photographer, I like to plan a trip or even not to plan it at all, take the bag on the shoulder, my camera in the hand and go, wherever there are a lot of new stimulating things to discover and, most of all, some nice people to meet and with whom to share good moments of life. I have many other interests and in particular that insidious one to meet some interesting people, that kind of people who got a sparkle inside and from which you can always learn something, or just even got inspired. By my side, by the way, I've got an ironic side (which is still on the way of being understood by the most, me included) and a good pair of opened ears, as well as the eyes, and a spontanous and natural way to interacting with the others.


PURA VIDA. It comes from Costa Rica and it means "Plenty of Life". Doesn't mean parties and extreme entertainment everyday, no! at all! It is something deeper that is used also as a greeting or a wish to somebody.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Well...I should hide what I'm going to say between the lines of a huge text, but I'm not doing it (I will regret it ehehe) because I would like this concept to pass and stay in a clear way: I don't discriminate between an experienced couchsurfer or a traveller who goes around the world and has a fervent interest to carry this project on, and somebody who instead has just created an account on CS to find a good and free alternative to the accomodation in a hotel. That's not my parameter of "selection", contrary to what a lot of people here say in their profile. You are who you are, the sum of your experiences and thoughts and dreams and things you have seen, indipendently on the fact you've just created an account or you are a veteran of the community. I don't care if you didn't read my profile, or you did study it from the head to the bottom; my house and my heart are always open to every kind of people, and unless you are a trivial profiteer or a bad person (and be sure I can recognize it with my magic powerful clinical eye), you will be always welcome here. So I don't want you to read carefully my profile and be afraid and tactical in your request, be spontaneous and make it with your own words. On the other side, of course, if you are a kind of particularly interesting person that I can't miss to host, I would be extremely glad to host you!


Couchsurfing is a great way to socialize and meet different people from every part of the world! For the little (compared with many other people) I travelled, I can say that CS is like a bridge not only between the nations or some unknown people, but also between different realities that become more solid in the exact time they begin to meet. It is a great alternative to the business mechanics that today unfortunately constrain us into their econonomic walls and it is an important resource that improves the meaning of what the human being is at the roots, and I mean free. Free to join, free to travel, free to meet his similars, free to hug, to smile, to make a present, to talk per hours and live for days with another human being..etc...etc... and that's why CS is a revolutionary community of people who believe in an new and different state of living.

As a surfer, I've been travelling across several countries in and outside Europe and everywhere I've been I had great experiences!
As a host, when I was living in Hungary, I had the opportunity to host some people with whom I had a very, very good time!!
I have now the 0% of answered requests because I was off for a big period and when I came back on CS I found a lot of requests I couldn't answer...sent by people who later had deleted their accounts.


Everything it is stimulating for the mind! Could be a travel, as much as watching somebody drawing a portrait, or even just listening a new but good music track, or also go walking around and talk about whatever it is (not) filtered by the brain. And also taking pictures, cooking something I will never eat if it's made by me (eheheh joking, people say I'm able! - generous, they are), plan a funny joke to change somebody's life, yeah you know...I've got this kind of interests in my list! ahahahah well, no, ok, I mean, any exciting thing that keeps the mind active and activated could be a new interest for me. I like the words "hyperactivity" and "movement", so, apart when I'm phisically tired, I usually don't like to lay down lazy as a bear full of honey.

I also have a personal page where I upload some of my pictures, if you would like to check it out I would be glad.
Sometimes also a picture may say something about a person and you can perceive something of that person even just watching by yourself. After all, many new universes are created by the spontanous mixing of two previously existing and closed systems!

  • cooking
  • walking
  • partying
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • drawing
  • magic
  • music
  • backpacking
  • track and field
  • business
  • medicine

Music, Movies, and Books

Ok I need some days of vacation to list them all! But to make it fast, generally I like those movies that can change your way to see reality even for a while, and those movies that can make you imagine new places and create a different perspective. I definetly don't like shitty movies with nothing to say or without a concrete message at all.
The same I can say about music, I adore those artist who put their feelings inside their works and that share them for the love of sharing, far from the market logic of profit and become rich and famous.
Books? I think that in my house there are thousands of books and I honestly think that I will not have time in my life to read them all! But I'm working on this time problem.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Hungary, Italy

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