Galyna Sobchuk's Photo

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  • 9 references 7 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian, Ukrainian; learning French
  • 70, Female
  • Member since 2017
  • English teacher at Montessori kindergarten/school
  • Polytechnic University
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

...................................................IN TRAVELLING TILL THE MIDDLE OF SEPTEMBER...........................................

ATTENTION for Surfers:
- I answer for personal requests only + secret words that you could find if you read my profile till the end.
- I answer you if your profile is completed and there are your pictures and information about your life style and your interests.

I live in Ukraine (have Siberian roots). Open-minded, friendly person with a lot of interests. I like learning languages (learning French now), dancing, playing musical instruments (as an amateur, not professional). I like art and creativity in all its manifistations.

Odissi dancer (Indian classical dance) and teach Sacred Dances (a kind of meditative Circle Dances).
Some time ago I started learning playing flute and cannot stop now in opening up new instruments :). Started restoring my piano skill that I acquired in my childhood. I am also learning Indian classial vocal (Indian Raga) now.

Learn and practice Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), Ayurveda, spiritual psyhology. Reiki practioner and teacher. Bahaism, Buddhism, Zen phylosophies are very close to me.

Adore nature, forest, mountaings, sea, animals, swimming, walking, travelling, music... J'adore la vie!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

It is a great idea to open doors for people from all the world, travellers over life, to meet new friends, to learn new cultures. ... It opens new horizons and joins us, Terrains, people of Earth.


  • arts
  • dancing
  • meditation
  • painting
  • live music
  • swimming
  • psychology
  • travelling
  • cinema
  • spirituality
  • healthy lifestyle
  • reiki
  • learning language
  • indian music
  • indian dance
  • walking in nature
  • drum circles
  • vedic culture
  • playing flute
  • jyotish
  • guasha massage

Music, Movies, and Books

I prefer meditative music, mantra chanting, enjoy classical, jazz, lounge music, spanish guitar, Italian music..., different kinds of good music... No hard rock.

Moveis.... A lot of favourite ones... Some that come to my mind are "The English Patient", "Chocolat", "What Dreams May Come", "Life Is Beautiful", "Caótica Ana", "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring"....., the films of Jacques Audiard, Jim Jarmusch, P. Almodovar, Peter Greenaway, A.G. Inarritu, Roman Polanski, Lars von Trier, Francis Ford Coppola, and many others....

The literature is the whole world. I started enjoying reading from my early childhood. A huge number of world classical and modern writers and poets were read. There was very good library at my parents' home and I have many good books at my home now. Proust, Gesse, Milorad Pavić, Haruki Murakami, Umberto Eco, Hemingway, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, ... just some ones.
Now it is a time for more special and spiritual reading.
I like poetry, know many verses by heart and sometimes write my own.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Swimming with dolphins. Unforgettable spiritual experience of exchanging unconditional love with those superincomprehensible loving souls.

Started learning flute some time ago and perfomed my favourite "Orfeo ed Euridice" melody of W. Gluck in an year.

Great experience in Auroville, the City of Future, in India.

Brave, long, interesting business trip to Albania in 2004, when they just opened their borders for foreigners. I was, probably, the first Ukrainian citizen coming there :).

Dancing together with other participants in the film-dance ("The Dream-song of Olaf Åsteson. Dance Journey of the Soul"), the fascinating project of Maria Gabriele Wosien, my Teacher of Sacred Dances. The filming took place on the Olkhon island in Baikal Lake in Siberia. Fantastic spiritual trip!

Pilgriming to Mary Magdalene's sacred places where I was sent in my dream.

Started giving English private lessons for adults and school children after my retirement. Later was invited to teach kids in a private kindergarten. It was absolutely new experience for me, amazing and full of inspiration. I enjoy it together with my young students. It allows me to use all my talents :) - singing, dancing, playing music, composing new songs and verses, being an actor..... Kids are amazing! So nice souls, open-minded, loving.... We have to be careful what seeds we sow in theirs souls.

Teach, Learn, Share

Interaction is the main way to learn oneself. Every person reflects and gives you some keys about your self, opens something new in you... This interaction could be miracoulus.
I can conduct Reiki sessions for my host, teach and give Guasa massage (Chinese traditional massage), can teach you dancing Sacred Dances, share some spiritual practicies with you.

That concerns my hosting, I have many ethnic instruments in my home, so we can make music together even if we are not a professional musicians, it is always fun.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share with hosts my life experience, to show Guasa massage technique or give Guasha facial massage, provide information about Reiki or conduct Reiki session for you. We could dance and sing together. I am a good cook, so could cook some traditional Russian or Ukrainian dishes for you.

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

Albania, France, Macedonia, Russian Federation, Tajikistan

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