Gani Nesh的照片


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  • 198 评语 125 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Interlingua
  • 100, 其他
  • 成为会员的时间:2011
  • No Mad
  • Life
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 95%



I enjoy traveling around this world exploring fascinating mother earth and connecting with loving intelligent beings to experience the magic of life. Plus I would be glad to do my part to you all by sharing yoga lifestyle which is union with+in to self realize and balance our energy being that are made of the body, intellect, emotions, memories, feelings and egos as well union with+out by being self responsible of our own thoughts, emotions and actions towards other beings including the mother earth and her natural inhabitants.

In the past I had experienced enslavement to corporations. I decided to quit being a slave to the system and instead bend the system to work for me. I have lived around this world without owning money since 2012,,,Im not traveling for free but my travel is an exchange project to reduce consumption, reuse and recycle, also instead of working for money, we can barter what we have either in material form or energy form like doing a service or helping out the other human in whatever one needs.
For exchange of your hospitality i could share yoga lessons, nutritional advices, physical and emotional healing, etc. Please check my Learn and Share section for more details,,,

Im also against buying of new things for reducing the demand on natural resources instead to implementing as much closer to zero waste because there are so many things already people owning but not using so its better to share or give-away. You can give for me to use or i could give to somebody who needs that i meet through my travels,,,

As a practice to achieve YOGA which is Oneness, I avoid identifying attachment to any nationality, origin, language, tradition, culture, religion, race, gender, age, name, biological family, hometown, etc. Im trying my best to be conscious of the EGO which is a primary subject in yoga as the ego is the barrier that is between us and yoga. I still have past unhealthy limiting ego programmings from especially the parents, "education" institutions, culture and society i originally came from so my being is working hard in rewriting my ego programs to a more serving ego for the whole, thus i appreciate you all for being patience to my ego flaws ;)

I am both introvert and extrovert
I am both intuitive and logical
I am both narrow-minded and open-minded
I am both intolerant and tolerant
I am both unfriendly and friendly
I am both cheerful and grumpy
I am both rude and polite
I am both neutral and judgmental
I am both inferior and superior
I am both passive and aggressive
I am both prisoner and free
I am both disrespectful and respectful
I am both sad and happy
I am both angry and calm
I am both tender and cruel
I am both usual and unusual
I am both real and surreal
I am both shocking and mocking
I am both knowledgeable and ignorant
I am both interesting and boring
I am both patient and impatient
I am both loving and hating
I am both pessimist and optimist
I am both misanthropy and philanthropy
I am both idiosyncratic and common
I am both conformist and rebel
I am both worthless and worthy
I am both thoughtless and thoughtful
I am both lazy and hardworking
I am both a beggar and a king
I am both undisciplined and disciplined
I am both flexible and rigid
I am both selfish and selfless
I am both humble and arrogant
I am both nice and terrible
I am both fearfool and fearless
I am both egocentric and egoless
I am both stupid and wise
I am both narcisstic and altruistic
I am both positive and negative
I am both bad and good
I am both right and wrong
I am both light and darkness
I am both yin and yang ;)

Expectations brings disappointments.
Attachments bring sufferings.
Love and trust conquers fear.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I'm here for sharing my experiences and knowledge with others and also learn how others live life....
This is a community where we connect, exchange and share together so please have this communal responsibility spirit and not abuse this as free stay.

since Couchsurfing has been bought over by a company, im moving toward other pure non-profit traveling communities:


WOW too much to write here...Im interested in enjoying life!

  • arts
  • festivals
  • dancing
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • minimalism
  • magic
  • outdoor activities
  • sports
  • martial arts
  • rock climbing
  • swimming
  • science
  • nature
  • freedom
  • phylosophy
  • life
  • spirituality
  • universe
  • holistic health
  • theatre
  • zen
  • self improvement
  • foodie
  • healthy food
  • sharing
  • kung fu
  • love
  • silence
  • healthy lifestyle
  • vipassana
  • peace
  • family and friends
  • tree climbing
  • qi gong
  • natural medicine
  • social psychology
  • psychoanalysis
  • energy healing
  • joy
  • nature conservation
  • zero waste
  • feelings
  • animals rights
  • thetahealing
  • egalitarianism
  • running barefoot


I listen to different genre of music according to my emotional state for music is therapy for me,,,

movies to expand your mind check out this website:
Meat the truth
See the truth
Zeitgeist III: Moving Forward
Consciousness Science Kept Hidden


İ have done no amazing does amazing things on me!


I love to learn about life and worlds,,, thus for me, till death we shall learn,,,
I still have lots to learn in life and try to share what i have learnt so far :)
I'm learning to be wiser, grateful, humble, self control, flexible, spontaneous, courageous, loving, devotion, pure, playful, peaceful, joyful, etc,,,basically return to innocence just as children,,,

I'm happy to share my experiences, practices and knowledge to achieve:
Yoga (oneness)
holistic health
natural healing
silence and peace
how to manage stress, laziness, addiction, depression and anxiety
how to break the cycle of destructive habits and cultivate healthy habits
playfulness and inner child rediscovery
causes and remedy for psychosomatic diseases in the body that roots from the mind
ayurvedic food knowledge according to 3 energy types
living according to nature
martial arts
philosophical discussions and psychological analysis, etc.
(please ask me what you are interested in so that i can share easily)


An opportunity to be your true self and taste the freedom :)

Please check above section of teach and share...


Belgium, Cambodia, France, Slovakia, Thailand


Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malaysia, Montenegro, New Zealand, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey


  • 3 担保s

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