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Informazioni generali
Chi sono
Be relax and happy
Sóc una noia esportista, que li encanta viatjar i conèixer llocs i gent nova.
Visc el present perquè futur no existeix.
Hello, I'm a sporty girl who loves travelling and meet new people. I live the present because the future don't exist
Visc el ara, demà no se sap....
I live the present
Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing
I've had experience as a host in Barcelona and Senegal. It was perfect and this is the reason that now I would like to be involve in couchsurfing, I think is amazing :)
Esport, viatjar, muntanya,
Sport, travelling, mountain
- traveling
- sports
Musica, film e libri
The monk who sold his ferrari
Paesi che ho visitato
Andorra, Cuba, Denmark, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Liechtenstein, Morocco, Netherlands, Senegal, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State
Paesi in cui ho vissuto
United Kingdom