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  • 20 评语 17 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, French; 正在学习 Greek (modern)
  • 38, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2007
  • Cook in truck kitchen !
  • I couldn't decide what to study, so I've changed a lot !
  • 来自Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
  • 个人主页已完成 95%



Follow my feet


I'm a student of life, I think I'll never be tired of learning. That's why I love travelling and meeting people. That's why I'm sometimes like a child, wide open eyes when the nature offers me its beauty.
I'm curious and ready for exploration !


One stem at the time

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I'm using CS as the greatest way to travel and get to know the world we are living in. I surfed a lot of times in different countries, met a lot of interesing people and made few friends. I also host people when I have a flat or a house and it happened that I join some CSer for a drink.
Basicly, I'm using the full potential of CouchSurfing ! I also try to talk about CS as much as I can around me.


My first real CS experience was in Irlande with a friend, we saw a lot of the south of this country and discover much that we could imagine through the people that we met. Since that moment, I changed my way of travelling and Couchsurf as much as I can.


I'm intersing mostly in travelling (isn't that why CS is made ??), I want to know as much as the world that I can.
I'm also a great photography fan, I'm trying to see though my eyes in a different way and spread my point of view to the people that are interesing.
For few years now I'm a professional cook and before that I've always been a food lover, so I can share a lot about it and I'm really interesing in your recipes and way to eat !

  • photography
  • beauty
  • dining
  • cooking
  • recipes
  • breakfast
  • drinking
  • traveling
  • socializing


I began to read a lot thaks to "Dune" by Frank Herbert when I was a teenager. Now I still love to read sci-fi and fantasy. I love Orson Scott Card, Georges Martin, Terry Pratchett...
I also read french writer such as Boris Vian and Pennac. Basicly, I'm a reader !
Always listening music : jazz, electro-swing, balkanic music, classical and many more... Coz music is life!!!
As for the movies, I love Tarantino's, Tim Burton's old movies, Kubrick, and animation movies...


Creation of human souls...
I felt in love with the hill of nymphs at Athens, an other reality opens to you at the very moment you enter in these lands...


I can teach you the basic of photography, I'm also good cooker so I can share my recipes and meals.
One of my goal is to learn the different breakfast that exist in all different country that I visit, so make me discover !


Canada, Georgia, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Morocco, Portugal, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Spain, Turkey


Australia, France, Greece

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