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Stand for social justice and fight against social inequalities
Alright, I really hate having to write about myself but let's try... where to start from? Well, I was born and grew up on a small rock in the middle of the Tirrenian Sea called Vulcano, which developed a strong personal attachment to those who were my best friends during my childhood: the weaves, mountains, stars, sand and silence that always accompanied my days and fulfill my soul...
Although half of my earth remained there, I left home in order to pursue my studies. Hence, I moved to Rome where I took a Bachelor in Languages and Cultural Mediation whilst doing sociopolitical activism with various squats of the city and working in any possible field to sustain my studies. Successively, I moved to Copenhagen to start a MSc in Social Science and International Relations with specialization in Migration and Refugee Studies. This point marked the commence of a new life stage as I started to undertake anthropological research and voluntary work concerning the humanitarian crisis lived by Central American forced displaced people who travel across Mexico without legal authorization. This period definitely changed my life, as working many years with these migrants gave me the opportunity to understand different facets of the world and challenge my previous ideas, attitudes and values. Most Central Americans who escape from their country are not looking for the American Dream. On the contrary, most of these individuals are fleeing from Western made nightmares erected in their countries that structurally leave an uncountable number of people with no other options but to leave their homes and families in search of survival. Due to the exclusionary and discriminatory regulations that define the privileges of human mobility around the world unequally, these people are denied the possibility to begin a regular migratory process and become condemned to the realm of 'illegality' where their rights are systematically canceled in the name of racial purity and national security. This constructed sociopolitical status makes these people as easy targets of degenerative practices that continuously menace their integrity, generating a structural vulnerability that favorite the perpetration of serious forms of extortion, forced recruitment, abuse, labor and sexual exploitation, which constitute a profitable economy of sufferance that favorite the interests of criminals, local institutional authorities and national governments alike. The possibility to work with these people made me understand clearly the enormous differences of privileges that mark every person's life on the base of their nationality and social condition. I ask myself: why I can easily get a visa and become a tourist almost everywhere in the world, whilst someone who really need to leave his country because of menaces or extreme economic deprivation is denied this possibility just because he's/she's not white. This standpoint sustains my everyday struggles to reduce social inequalities and give me the strength to fight against the difficulties of working for social justice and not for economic profit. The little grain of sand I could put in this social struggle consisted in working as a volunteer in organizations that assist migrants along their journeys, writing academic articles to raise awareness upon these social issues, and protect, shelter and support migrants at home when they transit across the city. I'm very grateful to all those migrants I met during these years, because with their words and actions they taught me new powerful meanings of the expression Resistance.
“Odio gli indifferenti. Credo che vivere voglia dire essere partigiani. Chi vive veramente non può non essere cittadino e partigiano. L’indifferenza è abulia, è parassitismo, è vigliaccheria, non è vita. Perciò odio gli indifferenti. "
(A. Gramsci)
“Migration is like big waves, they never appear precisely where they are expected, their arrival can never be predicted exactly, but they always come, they have a magnitude to reorder the whole given geography of a seashore, the sandbanks, the seabed, the maritime animals and plants, the rocks, the beach.”
(D. Papadopoulus & V. Tsianos)
"No morirá la flor de la palabra. Podrá morir el rostro oculto de quien la nombra hoy, pero la palabra que vino desde el fondo de la historia y de la tierra ya no podrá ser arrancada por la soberbia del poder".
(Ejercito Zapatista de Liberaciòn Nacional)
Social Anthropology, Ethnology, History, Flow-Arts, Juggling, Subversive politics, Poscolonial Studies, Semantics and Discourse Analysis, Migration and Forced Displacement, Gender Studies, Subcultures, International Political Economy, Biopolitics, Trekking, Travelling (of course), Music, Hiking, Cycling, Uni-cycling, Walking, Jumping everywhere, Crafting, Partying, Relaxing and... and... and... I don't now...too many things!
- arts
- dancing
- walking
- partying
- politics
- traveling
- juggling
- music
- cycling
- hiking
- anthropology
Music one of the best things I have found in my life. I consider it like a place where I can refuge when I need to feel the Flow and stay with myself. It's impossible think about my life without techno, folk, afrobeat, psytrance, reggae, dub, rock and all kinds of music from all over the world!
I think I love majorly Anthropological, political, historic, religious (even if I don't follow any particular doctrine) and philosophy books but I'm open to everything. The romances I love most and I hope everybody could have the possibility to read them are "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho and "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfields.
all those places in which I felt a whole with the universe around me.
One of the things I love most in my life are Flow-arts, I don't know exactly how to define them, they're a melting pot of dancing, juggling, theatre and any skill or talent you can entwine with them.
I think the spirit of flow arts is based on something like:
" No matter what you know, share it. No matter who's in front of you, you can always learn something. feel the flow ".
I love to share knowledge about linguistic, social, political and cultural systems, just please don't try to indoctrinate me with te ideology of the invisible hand.
I also know something about thread handcraft (macramè) and silver philigrane, and I'd love to learn more and share my little knowledge about it
I've a big problem... I'd like to learn almost everything and I'm scared a life is not enough.. so let's teach me everything you want and I'll be happy to learn!
when you don't to improve yourself anymore as you feel you know it all.. you're already dead and you still don't know!
Argentina, Bangladesh, China, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sri Lanka
Australia, Denmark, India, Mexico, Morocco, Turkey
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