Le foto di Gintautas Palinauska

Profilo verificato

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Non accetta ospiti

  • Ultimo accesso quasi 2 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 13 referenze 13 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, German, Lithuanian; lingua che sta imparando Japanese, Portuguese, Russian
  • 32, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2014
  • Robotics
  • Master Robotics
  • Di Šiauliai, Šiauliai County, Lithuania
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

Philosophy: "Pursue your dream like your life depends on it"

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I am naturally attractive to new people, new places, new adventures.
Couchsurfing is one of the ways to satisfy this addiction. Moreover, meet alike addicted people.


"The one constant thing in this galaxy is Change."

My interests change quickly, especially when I am with new people. So there is no point in describe all of them, because eventually they will change.

Sport active (Basketball, Football, Fencing, Table Tennis, Kicker, Volleyball, .....)
Cultural active (Theater, Concerts, Volunteering, Art galleries)
Musician (Guitar, Harmonica)
Mad scientist ( Chemistry, Physics, Electronics, Mechanics, Fire demonstrations)

  • arts
  • culture
  • concerts
  • education
  • electronics
  • music
  • guitar
  • sports
  • basketball
  • soccer
  • tennis
  • volleyball
  • table tennis
  • chemistry
  • teaching
  • engineering
  • physics
  • science
  • volunteering

Musica, film e libri

The most favorite movie: "Peaceful Warrior"
Music: "Linking Park", "Muse"
Book:"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I defeated my fears

Insegna, impara, condividi

Learn another person.
Share: My time, My culture, My adventures ,My cooking secrets, Music with Guitar or Harmonica, My enthusiasm
Teach: Engineering, Crazy science experiments

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

I can share:
a bed in the apartment,
some food, if the frige is not emty
and of course walk you around Munich.

Paesi che ho visitato

Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City State

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Austria, Germany, Lithuania

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Gintautas.

I miei gruppi