Fotos de Giovanni Coppola

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  • 0 recomendaciones
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Italian; está aprendiendo Lithuanian
  • 33, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2017
  • Volunteer Worker
  • University of Naples Federico II, Faculty of Agrarian Sci...
  • De San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Campania, Italy
  • Has completado un 55% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I'm an Italian guy who loves to travel, meet new people, learn cultures and discover the WORLD!!
I think that to visit new countries and to see how is the world around you is a fantastic task in life! I was in some places in my life, but not enough!! For this reason I'd like to go in more cities that I can: to travel create your spirit and your soul and enriches yourself more then everything!! For me it's a huge personal growth!! This is my opinion about travelling...what do You think?!?
From April, 'til November 2017, I'm working as a volunteer in EVS Project by Erasmus + Programme from European Community, in a Regional Park in Lithuania, in Tytuvenai, and it's fantastic job and place: I'm seeing a lot and I'm growing myself in very good way. During this period I would like to visit new places, because I can do this with this job, and to meet more people as possible, to open more and more my mind and points of view!!
At the end of this period, I will be back in my city of origin, Napoli, in its suburbia, and I will be ready to do other thinghs...between a trip and another!!

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I think it's a great experience to try!! When you visit a new place it should be Amazing to have a local new friend that can help you to discover the city!! Also if you just receive some tips, advices or ideas it's very good yet! It is a more personal way to live your trip! I'm new on it but I will be very happy if I can meet new people, and become friends, and enjoy my future trip. So I want to learn a new idea of travelling from this big and fantastic Community 'Couchsurfing'!!
I also would like to host people: now I'm in Lithuania, unti November 2017, in a small village called Tytuvenai! I'll be pleasured to host travellers in this green and nice place!!


  • traveling
  • music
  • rock music
  • nature
  • read
  • cities
  • discovering
  • green living
  • visiting
  • knowing people

Música, películas y libros

My favorite Music is Rock!! And a lot of types all around it (hard rock, classic rock, rock'n'roll, metal...and so on), but I listen to also other music, because I think that it is an universal Language!! I really love music!
My favorite Group is Guns 'N' Roses!! Amazing! I love them: I've been to their concert in Imola last June! Boom like a bomb!! Fantastic!...then: AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Slash (solo project), Metallica, Muse, Aerosmith, Blink 182, Dire Straits, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana, Slipknot, System of a Down, Offspring, Sum 41 and moooooore!!...
But also, I loved King of Pop! RIP Michael! We miss You!
About movies, it's hard to say my favorite: maybe superheroes movies, thriller, adventure...but also romantic and love stories... ; )
Books, it's hard to say...I love reading!! If I have to say: most of all Thrillers, then novels, historical drama and theatre operas (I love Shakespeare!)...and also comics!! I love them, too!

Algo increíble que he hecho

This EVS Project by Erasmus + Programme from European Community, in a Regional Park in Lithuania, in Tytuvenai, IS FANTASTIC!! An Amazing experience!! I'm lucky to do it!!
I'm also glad about my previous trips...not so many, but I have time to increase them!!

Enseña, aprende, comparte

To teach, I don't know...I think I'm "too Young" and the world is so big...and I think for myself that I need to still grow up a lot!! So many things to see, know, try and learn!! I feel small in this big knowledge...but I WANT TO LEARN!!!!...ok, I also know something from my experiences, and I like telling pieces if someone ask. But probably the biggest thing that I could teach is to face the life in very positive way, with a lot of rationality, to be able to understand every problem and to be strong to try to solve it! Our biggest force is inside us, we just need to let it come out! I believe in this, and if you follow this thought you can walk on in life with your head up! I don't like depression when there is a problem: just try to smile and go on, life is this, just try to get it better as possible! It's not easy but we should try!!
About Learning, as I said, I want to get more than I can: I Always look around me to be ready to learn new thinghs! I'm very open to do this, and I accept everything!!
About sharing, I really like doing it! I like listening to experiences of people, about life, travels and stories, to know what you can find behind the faces of people around you. It's really interesting for me! And maybe I also can share something about me, I hope to be an interesting person for pepole who listen to me, but it's not easy...but I can talk...then we will see!

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I can offer a very good mood, a lot of smiles and a big desire to see and know as more as I can get.

Países que he visitado

Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Países en los que he vivido

Italy, Lithuania, United States

Únete a Couchsurfing para ver el perfil completo de Giovanni.