Gregory Fung's Photo

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  • Last login almost 3 years ago

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  • 45 references 30 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Chinese, English, German; learning Portuguese
  • 45, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • Electronics and Embedded Software Engineer, psychosomatic...
  • BASc Engineering, school of life, community building
  • From Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Co-creating intentionally for a joyful, compassionate world


Engineer, intentionite, integrated being, Burner, change maker, aspiring healer, sustainability champion, cyclist, aspiring yogi, celebrator, optimist, respectful nudist, enjoy outdoors and feeling of connectedness with nature, living in the now!


Live with clear vision of what you want and try to manifest it, but be open to the flow and amazing ways life can take you!

My purpose statement: Co-creating intentionally for a joyful, compassionate world

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I love cross-connecting all my amazing friends and communities together for more awesome creative possibilities! The world is full of great, kind-hearted, talented people; I am proofing and experiencing this and offer this as counter-measures against the scary world the military-industrial complex likes us to think. All we have to do is take care of each other!


Surfed for most of 2 months with a bunch of hosts in Europe, meeting all great people! I'm generally flexible and believe in doing what needs being done, helping when I can. Hosted a bunch on my own in Berlin too. Cleanliness, generosity, respect, joyfulness and listening well are all important to me. It has been really nice finding like-minded people to surf with, learn about life as a local and what makes the place tick. Since I've settled in Berlin I've also hosting many people in my old WG, but more for friends in the last while due to flat constellation.


Presence and breath, connection, yoga, dancing swing, ecstatic, trance, or deep house to express yourself and be in the moment, personal growth, sustainability, intentional communities, community collaborative problem solving, electric vehicles, technology, hacking things for new purposes, fixing things, cutting back brainless consumerism, doing what moves you, Burning Man, FKK/Nudism, relationships, doing scary/challenging things, listening

  • arts
  • performing arts
  • dancing
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • electronics
  • technology
  • cars
  • cycling
  • business
  • engineering
  • psychology
  • beaches
  • personal development
  • house music
  • healing
  • community
  • polyamory
  • bodywork
  • breathwork
  • conscious living

Music, Movies, and Books

The Matrix
The Corporation
Escape from Suburbia
Food Inc
Gegan die Wand

Psytrance / Progressive trance / Techhouse / Deep house / Electro-swing
freeform improvised singing at times...

I have many books I'ld like to read, but I tend to do alot of web and RSS reading.
Sleeping Beauty Trilogy
Getting the Love You Want
The Power of Now, Tolle
Dieter Duhm

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Total Solar Eclipse, Oregon Eclipse 2017
Xplore Berlin
Burning Man 2007 and other Vancouver regional events
World Naked Bike Ride
Techno and Psytrance 3am - 2pm in Berlin
Work on Electric Vehicle components
Zip-line over Downtown Vancouver
Base Jump from 100m at Alexanderplatz Berlin
Amazingness of glaciers, badlands, rainforests
Dance with my poi on Goan beaches to great trance
Juggled intense business trips of quick and efficient decisions
Fear Factor Live competitor at Universal Studios
Blindfolded participatory performance
7 day cleansing fast

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach: all sorts of electronics and computer misc stuff; body-somatic experiencing and accessing desire
basic poi spinning and fire safety, rope bondage, Cantonese
Learn: more German, Salsa, Swing dance, martial arts, different massage, Tantric awareness..
Share: a vision of a sustainable future, insights towards joy, a sympathetic ear, love for life and cuddles

What I Can Share with Hosts

Breathwork, bodywork, life philosophy, ideas and observations on relating between cultures, basic repairs, Cantonese

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, Germany, Hong Kong

Old School Badges

  • 5 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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