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  • 39 评语 12 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 German, Spanish
  • 50, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2012
  • Showing people I meet all that is possible. :)
  • Living, university & always learning new things
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



Honestly, I don't know other than I have experienced everything that I have ever wanted to do in America and that I wish to live in other countries. In my "perfect world" I would live in Southern Africa and use my professional experience & knowledge of "all things energy" [technology, fuels, people's needs & desires, what has worked & what has not in America [or the developed world], human knowledge, etc.] to hopefully make the world a bit of a better place.

The world today always seems to be dominated by two groups always "screaming" at one another, dominating the "conversations" & social media as they are, yet no one is actually talking to each other, trying to find common ground or common solutions. Unfortunately, "being American" forces some "bad baggage" upon me; historical, past occurrences, stereo-types, pre-determined prejudices/perspectives & stuff I had no control over, which frustratingly closes doors & raises suspicions [you must be a spy or another "typical" American] before a conversation can ever occur. Oh yeah, energy [the real stuff we need to live] is amazingly boring to most people, or comes with a whole slew of other discussions & opinions [politics, geo-politics, conspiracies, ignorance, etc]... so that kind of sucks, and becomes a barrier to finding solutions instead of actually identifying the problems and coming up with possible answers [or even company ideas].

My mom is German, was born in Germany (but left as did many others in the 40s & 50s for economic reasons with my grandparents). Male-centric laws as they were then, excluded only children of German mothers from getting German [or dual] citizenship if born abroad, and were only changed shortly after I was born (found to be "unconstitutional"), but for decades the Germans' said I had no right to be a German citizen. Recently, they changed the law again, offering a "pathway" with lots of conditions... so here I am in Germany trying to check-off those conditions. o.0



What I think about CS ... I LOVE IT!

I often provide vicarious living opportunities here... http://www.instagram.com/hansworldtravels

If I'm trying to sort the world's problems, then the experiences and discussions can be found here... http://hansworldtravels.wordpress.com

And if I'm just like whatever or want to keep in touch with friends all over the world, then... https://www.facebook.com/Hans.World.Travels

Reach me via Whatsapp at +1 720 375-3771 (US permanent Google Number)
or email worldtravelin@gmail.com

If I have contacted you, either to Host or just meet, it is because I value more getting to know someone who lives where I am traveling, not just see another city, castle, church or mosque and checking off a place on some list.

I have zero expectations for you to give me anything more than you want or feel comfortable sharing with me. I am not looking for a "tour guide" to show me everything in a city in 4 hours, someone to feed me, someone to watch over me as a child. I am very easy going in person... much different than how I express things in writting.

I enjoy answering your questions (honestly) about the USA as opposed to what you see in Hollywood movies or read in the newspapers. I also enjoy asking people questions about "The Real Life" in their country. With history as a footnote, I appreciate understanding the reasons why something is happening now or why people think as though they do. It is not for me to judge, only for me to better understand this world we live in. :)

Blah, blah, blah.... I've lived a very fortunate life, actively choosing simplicity (& travel experiences) over The American Dream. It has been both good and bad, but I wouldn't trade it for anything... It is the life I have made. :)

Bonn, Germany is home since 2017.

Before that.... New York (upstate); (tried Namibia in Southern Africa); Denver, Colorado (although DIA was a second home - always traveling for work or fun); Portland, Oregon; Lake Tahoe, California; Colorado (everywhere on 4-wheels); California (the Bay area, San Diego, in the Sierras) ... upstate NY for university & childhood.



^ My trademarked answer to any suggestions that come my way on what we can do. :P

Frequently interchanged with... Why Not!™

Coffee or a beer and good conversation is better than seeing any "amazing" wonder of the world. :)

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

To share my travel experiences with other old dog travelers like myself or those just starting out into the world with the excitement I once had, but not the know-how of doing it right.

I'll be honest, I shy away from travelers on a mission to see "everything" in two hours. I've done that my entire life... and it is a bit empty, looking in on the world and people from the outside of a window glass, not truly experiencing a place and its people. This is of course derived from reflection & the wisdom gained over the years from doing exactly that, so not a complaint more so just an observation of myself, and it is exciting to see others with that lust for "seeing new things"!


Traveling & meeting fellow human beings on this Earth we share.

  • beer
  • coffee
  • movies
  • traveling
  • history
  • tourism


A whole (but partial) list is here... http://hansworldtravels.wordpress.com/books-ive-appreciated-loved/


Too many, but not enough time to do or see all that could be done or seen. :P


I share honest perspectives on the world I know and the experiences I have lived. Conversations without judgements. Building people up no matter what their position in life.

Sorry I don't cook, but I find peace in washing dishes! :D


Argentina, Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Hungary, Indonesia, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, Peru, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States


Germany, Namibia, United States


  • 4 担保s

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