Havner Haenschke的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 34, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2012
  • Aprendiz
  • Administração de Empresas - FGV
  • 来自São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
  • 个人主页已完成 65%


28 years, just left my work see what real life is about.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

Conhecer novas historias, fazer conexões e viajar de maneira mais espartana.


What grab my attention are things that I don´t know, specially the ones that I realize can bring me new perspectives.
The contact with people is a good way to do this. We can learn a lot with other people, that´s why a like a lot being with my friends, they have much to teach you.


A very special moment that left me awestruck was the moment that I knew that after 16 years of my existence I would have a sister. As my parents were getting older I wasn´t expecting for that, It was a realization of a dream.

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