Le foto di Hersi M

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  • Ultimo accesso 28 giorni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 4 referenze
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Somali; lingua che sta imparando Arabic (Gulf)
  • 31, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2023
  • Nessun lavoro indicato
  • Nessun titolo di studio indicato
  • Di Ethiopia.
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I’m from hargeisa somaliland.

When you come to hargeisa, if you can, I would like to bring me your favorite book, It doesn't matter if you can't.

Couchsurfing has enriched my life in many ways. improved my communication skills, and increased my confidence. It has also taught me valuable lessons about kindness, generosity, respect, sharing experiences and tolerance. I believe that Couchsurfing is more than just a way of traveling; it is a way of living and learning both.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this amazing community of Couchsurfers. I hope to continue to travel and host more people in the future. I also invite anyone who is interested in visiting Somaliland to contact me. I would love to show you around my beautiful city and country. You are always welcome in Hargeysa ! Life is experience so teach me yours I will teach you also.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I will benefit from what I have no experience with, when I meet different people in this platform.


Technology, playing music, book, coffee and traveling

  • culture
  • books
  • coffee
  • technology
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • languages
  • learning languages
  • exploring
  • meeting new people
  • hanging out
  • experiences
  • share experiences

Musica, film e libri

Somali music ,movies basic on history,love story,action and drama, books technology,cyber security, Networking,programming ,history,geopolitics and leadership.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I voluntarily participated how to stop the fire started in the biggest market of hargeisa, I had no experience with it But I tried my best to help my people and to express solidarity and unity.

Insegna, impara, condividi

Somali culture, local foods and sharing with my Experience.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

My experience also whatever i can such as somali foods (laxoox,Fadiirad, camel milk tea and so on ) and taking around city It’s depends on my pocket every where is cons & pros also pocket have cons and pros Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't But I like to give you everything I can as much as I can.

That’s our Ancestors culture.

Paesi che ho visitato


Paesi in cui ho vissuto


Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Hersi.