Andres Osca的照片


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  • 27 评语 22 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Spanish; 正在学习 Catalan, Valencian, English, Lao
  • 47, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2007
  • trying to evolve day by day
  • what is education?
  • 来自Madrid, Spain.
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



"take care with what you wish...´cause finally you will get it"


About me???it means past??...ufff.. too hard to write 33 intensive years in a few lines. Lets´s talk about present
After almost ten years working in diferents companies and projects and according to the way I see the life, 2 years ago i decided to prepare my dream and organize my life in order to travel...i left my company, rented my flat and...jumped to India!... from there, you can check my tryp here:

Now im in Madrid again...aware to the signals, full of energy and illusion, wishing to enjoy life, meet wonderfull people, create my dreamed company (im on the way...:) that will allow me to live in the way i want to..

(okaaaaaaay.... more personal details... I am a normal boy who loves meet people, places, cultures...More creative and dreamer than racional.. that loves arts, music, books. I like to dance, so many kinds of music. I dance salsa and latin rithms... but then, i enjoy techno/electro music, classical, alternative, pop music too... I play guitar.Love sports. Diving, snowbording, running...Eating!(i love cooking too), Photography.. ummm ...what else... ?


im trying to discover it...

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing



When i discovered CS, i began hosting people in my flat, surprising to myself about this great experiences i was living...(the new one was even better than the last!) During 2009 summer i knew lots of people, all of them diferents, with opposites points of view about life, but one in common...LOVING LIFE. In all that time, i had NO BAD EXPERIENCE!!i became thinking that it was a kind of magic...ja,ja... How could it be that what started like a new experience, like a game, became to a way of life, bringing so many important people to me, sharing sooo many things.
Last October 2009, began my Asian tryp... not in India or Nepal (of course i loved those places, but i dont recommend CS there), but in Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, and mainly Indonesia i kept completly amazed!...
So many people gave me so unforgetable lessons.. Thanks guys, ill always remember you...
Im glad to admit that CS is a tool for make our dreams come true, for built our destiny, for changing the world and doing it a little better :)


chilling out, relax, walking, reading, dancing, singing, laughing...enjoy a special dinner and conversation, sleping, jumping, taking pictures, playing sports, watchink good movies...

  • arts
  • books
  • singing
  • photography
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • running
  • walking
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • magic
  • music
  • guitar
  • scuba diving
  • sports


Fight Club, all Tim Burton movies, Mouline Rouge, Matrix, How to train your Dragon!,Seven, Snatch, Lord of the Rings (even after reading the book!), almost all Robert Deniro´s... (im sure im forgetting thousands... i love cinema!).. I love Ryan Gosling movies!

About books... i keep reading Coelho, even after reading all his books twice.. Paul Auster, Milan Kundera are my favourites writers. Dolores Redondo, Javier Marías... "Lord of the Rings"."Los Pilares de la tierra". "La Sombra del Viento" and "El juego del Angel" de Carlos Ruiz Zafón.
García Marquez, Oscar Wilde, and hundreds of clasicals...


Creo que tengo mucha suerte por poder decir que he visto muchas cosas asombrosas... podría hablar de preciosos atardeceres, de compartir una canción coreada por miles de personas, de volcanes, cataratas, desiertos... pero ahora mismo me quedo con una situación que por más que repita, siempre me llena de magia, ilusión y energía... el amanecer en un sitio, y no saber donde ni con quien estarás al día siguiente.




Austria, Cambodia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Laos, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States


Ireland, Spain


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