Iara Musumeci的照片


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  • 11 评语 8 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, German, Spanish; 正在学习 German, Italian
  • 29, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2016
  • English Teacher / English-Spanish Translator
  • English-Spanish Translation / English Teacher Training Co...
  • 来自Ituzaingó, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


Buenas! :) :) :) Les cuento un poco de mí...
Me encantan los idiomas, me encanta la música, me encanta leer, me encanta mirar pelis, me encanta comer (a quién no! jeje), me encanta caminar en la montaña, me encanta aprender y descubrir cosas nuevas, me encanta compartir tiempo con otras personas.
Hace unos meses me mudé a El Chaltén, en la provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina. Viajé bastante por el mundo, pero siempre volvía a mi casa en Buenos Aires, y la verdad es que irme por fin de la ciudad fue una decisión increíble que hace tiempo tendría que haber tomado. Vivir tan cerca de la montaña es maravilloso. La conexión con la naturaleza y con uno mismo es totalmente distinta, las prioridades son otras, el tiempo corre distinto, todo es distinto, realmente... Les invito a que vengan a conocer este lugar maravilloso!

Hi!! Thanks for reading :)
I'm Iara, I'm from Argentina. I used to live in Buenos Aires but I moved to El Chaltén two years ago, a life changing decision for me. I love being part of a small community, seeing the mountains first thing in the morning, hiking and discovering new places every day, breathing fresh clean air. I feel very fortunate. So you're most welcome to stay at home and visit this beautiful place! After November, tho, because now it's my turn to travel, hehe.
I actually like travelling a lot. I've been in lots of places and try to keep moving as much as I can. I'm a translator, English teacher and I’m currently studying to become a Spanish teacher as well. Luckily my job allows me to travel a lot. I speak Spanish, of course, English, German and a bit of Italian. Hope to become fluent in Italian during these next couple of months :) I got a seasonal job in Arco, so I'll be there till mid-September. One of my goals is to visit Vigevano to see if I find family there, because I know my great grandparents were from there. They came to Argentina when my granddad was three. I have an Italian citizenship, so this trip has a bit to do with taking responsibility for that citizenship, getting to know the culture and mastering the language.
I'm very optimistic and always feel very greateful for the opportunities life presents me! Life is too short, we have to be positive, confident and seize them all!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

La verdad es que Couchsurfing me parece una idea fantástica. Ya no hace falta ser millonario para dar vueltas por el mundo! A mí me dio la oportunidad de hacer un montón de cosas que de otra forma no hubiera podido hacer, de llegar a un montón de lugares a los que nunca hubiera llegado, de conocer personas y culturas de una forma única. Cuando uno viaja de forma convencional y se hospeda en hostels y demás, no llega a palpar de lleno la cultura del lugar al que viaja. Hay muchos detalles que uno se va sin entender, sin importar cuántos tours haya hecho o cuántas guías haya leído. Compartir el día a día con un local es una experiencia extraordinaria. Lo digo no solamente por todo lo que me he divertido y aprendido, sino también por lo envalentonada que me he sentido. Organizar un viaje sola puede dar bastante miedo. ¿Voy a saber a dónde ir? ¿Me sentiré sola? ¿Extrañaré a mi familia? Sabiendo que va a ver un Couchsurfer esperándote lo cambia todo.

I simply love Couchsurfing. It has allowed me to go to places I wouldn't have been able to afford. Plus, I've met so many great, interesting and friendly people, both abroad and at my own home :) Travelling for me means getting to know the culture of the place you're travelling to, speaking with locals, going to the places locals usually go to, speaking their language, and those are things we usually miss when we stay at hostels and share our time with other foreigners. Both experiences are great, sure, but very different. Also, I love feeling I have somewhere to go when I get somewhere, that there's someone waiting for me, in a way. It makes travelling so much easier and exciting, much less scary and uncertain. I'm eternally grateful to all the couchsurfers who have welcomed me in their homes :) :)


  • dogs
  • books
  • traveling
  • music
  • piano
  • teaching
  • languages


Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Cuba, Germany, Italy, Laos, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, Viet Nam


Argentina, England, Germany, New Zealand

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