Ben Michaels's Photo

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  • 6 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 40, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Musician / Web developer / Business owner / Teacher
  • Degree Multimedia - Griffith University / Graduate Diplom...
  • From Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Show appreciation for the wonderful things life can bring...


I love good living, good people, good food and good places.. Actually make that amazing...So far all my Couchsurfing experiences have been amazing... I'm very grateful for the people I've met! Happy to offer a place when suitable.

I try live healthy, happy and share around positive vibes..

I've live on the Gold Coast - which is a pretty amazing place especially if you surf... but can get crowded. I know it really well... been here since I was 11, stayed, played, paid, earnt and learnt here. It's always changing.. has darker sides but is mainly amazing.. Some of my favourite things about it are the rain-forests, the beaches that tourists don't usually go too and the growing music scene which I'm part of.

Surf most days to keep healthy and get barreled as much as I can, stretch when I'm not to slack and getting keen on yoga and healthier foods..

Currently I've been playin in a Reggae / hip hop / fun fusion band called The High Grade. I love music...- look it up on Google and get a copy of our E.P ... hope you like it.. Search "Hearty Theory" and "No Settling Down" - there are some links on soundcloud also..

I am a qualified primary school teacher and have an undergraduate degree in Multimedia. I build websites, have worked on a bunch of different digital media projects and worked in some wonderful schools over the last year teaching young people a variety of subjects. Most of all I try to nurture a spirit of positivity and self belief in the kids I work with.

I try to always look at things with a positive attitude, appreciating the good fortune I have, loving people and teaching others good. I'm far from perfect but on the journey to discovering my best self.

I've my made mistakes, taken risks and seen both sides of the coin. We all have to learn tho in our own ways at our own pace. So I'm open minded and will listen, learn and experience something from everyone I meet. I always aim to come from a place of love, be honest and have fun. That's the easy part.

I love Snowboarding, surfing, rock climbing, playing music, drums, laughing, movies, creating things, and as much as it takes so much time I do enjoy technology too.

I appreciate history and culture and although I don't read as much as I should do like to read, however prefer experiencing cultures and hearing the tales from people who tell them with vibrancy.

Love a night out, with live music or a good DANCE OFF!!! Any music as long as good vibes are flowing....

Have travelled and stayed in various places around the world, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Netherlands, Indonesia, UK, New Caledonia, France, Canada, Fiji, Hawaii and more.

I've lived in first class style places and stayed in huts in shanty towns. I am very fortunate for what I have, and try and appreciate my connection to everything else in this world.

Although I enjoy the vibrancy of cities, I really love natural places especially ones that are moving and full of energy like the ocean, waterfalls, rivers rain-forests, reefs, desserts, glaciers, reefs, desserts, bushland. Take me to your favourite natural place and I will do the same.

Jumping into crazy rivers rapids etc..

I have a lot more travelling to do in my life and I try to take a break from daily routine of Babylon each day.

Nothing better than people that get you doing things you love.

Guess you'll have to see for yourself!


Take it as it comes!
Consider others!
Live life to the fullest!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I will be able to share my experiences, stories, and passion for life with all the people I encounter.

Sometimes I can host..


I'm new to this website but I've stayed on a few couches b4.

I've booked a snowboarding trip with a bunch of people from couch surfers and although its a week away I'm feeling pretty confident it'll be insane.


Surfing, Snowboarding, music, Drums, guitar, Arts,

Outdoor activities. I'm pretty much keen to give anything a go!

  • arts
  • culture
  • dancing
  • dining
  • desserts
  • yoga
  • technology
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • live music
  • guitar
  • drums
  • outdoor activities
  • surfing
  • snowboarding
  • rock climbing
  • communications
  • teaching
  • history
  • languages
  • beaches
  • rivers

Music, Movies, and Books

I'm a bit of random reader, read a lot of non fiction, magazines, the odd fiction but I love movies more, unless it's a book that sucks me in.

I've read plenty of books but need to get back into them. In the process of reading a few at the moment but the only fiction is the Alchemist.

Music - Well I love all music, salsa, funk, reggaee, metal, dub step, dance, house, electronik, drum n bass, jazz, classical, punk, hardcore, pretty much anything. I play drums and a bit of guitar always keen to learn something new or get the party started. Something to dance too. Depends on the company as well.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Is this an audition?

I find this tough to decide

Live, love, surf, eat, produced offspring, encountered many mind altering experiences, seen amazing parts of the world. ( Often completely natural )

Teach, Learn, Share

languages, culture, creativity, ideas, beliefs!

I can teach and learn them all

I speak English and a bit of Spanish and am in Barcelona to practice.
Play drums and learning guitar so I'm always keen for a jam.
Willing to learn and teach!

What I Can Share with Hosts

Life, good vibes, moments to remember!

Countries I’ve Visited

Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, United Kingdom

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