Iwi Malecki's Photo

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  • 14 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • No languages listed
  • 37, Female
  • Member since 2013
  • No occupation listed
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  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Travel travel travel. I have a big list with a big 2015 travel plan that I'm trying to work on. And moving away is step 2 - best would be somewhere abroad.


Hey I'm Iwi (E-V-E), born in Poland, raised in Germany. I am an outgoing person, I freakin loooove to travel and would love to see the whole world. I lived for over a year in Atlanta (USA) in 2013 and miss it so much - would love to move back.
What should I tell you about myself... well, I'm a crazy, quirky girl who likes beer, likes to travel, meet new people and do fun and interesting stuff, who loves to laugh and being silly and goofy sometimes. I love documentaries (I know - how boring :-P) and I have a weird taste when it comes to movies - genre's not very important - from The Green Mile to Pride and Prejudice to Crank... what?! Yes, whatever hits my taste...


I haven't been everywhere... but it's on my list (actually that is so me...)
Eat well - travel often
Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer
life is short - eat dessert first...

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I started couchsurfing in the US in 2013 when I didn't know anyone. That's when I met a bunch of cool people and made really good friends. So I basically surf, go to local events and as soon as it's possible, I hope to host some of you, too! Right now my place is too small.


It is definitely an amazing platform to meet people and make some unforgettable memories. I really look forward to try it out in Europe now :)


I love traveling and meet new people and cultures. I love sightseeing when I'm in a new place and just absorb every possible bit that a city/culture can offer. One of my passion is also to try local food and beer. You'll most probably find me ordering a local beer in a new place - happens quite a lot.
I also like spending time with my family and friends with a good dinner, drink or just on the couch with a good conversation. Reading is also a big passion of mine - right now I'm reading a crazy Swedish psychological thriller - the Swedes....
I used to do a lot of sports when I was younger... of that sounds like I'm so old... no just lazy, I guess :D
I love swimming and skiing and recently I started with yoga and I love it - I always thought that's something for skinny, stretchy people - but no, I could do that and I think that will be a new hobby.
Two goals that I have before I die is learning to paint and photography.

  • culture
  • photography
  • documentaries
  • dining
  • beer
  • yoga
  • drinking
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • painting
  • skiing
  • sports
  • swimming
  • sightseeing

Music, Movies, and Books

uh there's a lot. I don't have a specific band I love. It depends on what I am doing. I love clubbing to electro/house, I love listening to pop and typical radio lala when I'm on the road, and I love funky funny crazy music while cleaning :D
ATM Macklemore is my absolute favorite and I could listen to it aaall the time :)
When it comes to movies: The Green Mile, American History X, all Disney movies, the whole SAW series, girly oldschool Grease and Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Expendables haha and a loot of TV Shows. Favorite is Castle and The Following.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

So far.. an east coast trip in the US with a couple of friends, living abroad for over a year and traveling as much as I could at that time... and swimming with whales in Hawaii... well kinda...

Teach, Learn, Share

I just like to learn as much as I can from other experiences. I'm just open to everything new and as I said, I like to absord just everything that a city, place, person, culture etc. has to offer. And I would also like to share mine and teach people what I think or have seen.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Poland, United States

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch

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