Jacob  Bintliff的照片


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  • 20 评语 7 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, French, Spanish; 正在学习 Amharic, Arabic, Guaraní, Portuguese
  • 37, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2008
  • City Planning grad student - Etudiant Maitrise en Planifi...
  • Undergrad at U Texas Austin, now in City Planning Masters...
  • 来自Austin, Texas - ¡live music capital of the world!
  • 个人主页已完成 95%



make cities work for people


I have referred to myself as a ¨second generation hippie¨ an ¨environmental activist¨ a ¨queer¨ a ¨sustainer¨ and a whole lot else that might better be explained over a cup of loose leaf tea or wine (depending on the time of day and/or the state of mind).
Yo me llamaba varias cosas en la vida como "activista" pero me explico mejor cara a cara con la bebida a que conviene el momento.
Je m'appelais des choses variees dans la vie comme "activiste", mais je m'explique mieux vis-a-vis avec le boisson que convient au moment.

English is my native language, I am almost fluent in French and Spanish and I know enough Amheric to work in an Ethiopian restaurant. Learning languages is a hobby/passion of mine and I'm dabbled in Portuguese, Arabic, and Guarani
Ingles es mi lingua nativa, y hablo Frances y Espanol casi con fluidez. Juego con Amheric (el idioma de Etiopia como trabajaba en un restaurant de comida Etiopiana) el Portugues, y el Arabe. Me gusta aprender idiomas...porque no nos charlamos un ratito?
L'anglais c'est ma langue maternelle, mais je parle francais et espagnol presque avec facilite. Je joue avec l'amharique (langue de l'Ethiopie parceque je travallais dans un restaurant ethiopien) et le portugais, et l'arabe. Parlons-nous pendant un petit moment!

I love learning and my favorite element of traveling and CS especially is that it serves as a living, unending, unbiased classroom.
Me encanta aprender y lo que me gusta mas de viajar y CS es que sirve como aula viva, infinita, y sin prejuicias.
J'aime apprendre et ce qui me plait plus du voyage et de CS c'est comme l'ecperience sert comme salle de classe vivante, infinite, et impartiale.

I am in some ways my own philosopher. Not because I´m pretentious enough to think that my words and thoughts should be inscribed in stone and taught to confused undergraduates in universities across the world. No, rather I mean to point out that we are all capable of being the Rousseaus or Marxs (a couple of my favorites) of our lives and our times. In that regard, I synthesize on what goes on and try to either reach conclusions or at least have a great conversation(with my journal or with a friend) in the process.


¨be where you are¨
¨sea dónde está¨
"existe ou on soit"

I like Buddhism, but I am not a Buddhist. As Marx said ¨I am not a Marxist¨

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I travel and discover and when I am home I try to host when I can in a very hectic life. CS has shown me the world through its own eyes.

Viajo y descubrir y cuando estoy en casa trato de hospedar a otros viajeros pero la vida es franetica. CS me ha muestrado el mundo de sus ojos proprios.

Je voyage et decouvrir et quand je suis chez moi j'essaye donner refuge aux autres voyageurs mais la vie est frenetique! CS m'a montre le monde de ses propres yeux.


Laureano en Mendoza, Argentina
Anthony en Montevideo, Uruguay
Los dos Gonzalos en Rosario, Argentina
Raquel en Asuncion, Parguay
Faby, Arnaldo, y su familia en Concepcion, Paraguay
"Roo" in Raleigh, North Carolina
Nic & co a Montreal
Hugo a Quebec

"Buba" de Monterrey
Les deux francais


EATING and cooking and eating what I cook
getting outside (I spend about 50-60% of my life outside I would say, weather on my porch, biking around town, hiking, swimming, whatever)

  • writing
  • cooking
  • wine
  • drinking
  • gardening
  • reading
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • buddhist
  • swimming
  • languages
  • philosophy


come puruse my bookshelf. Was reading "Beso de la Mujer Arana" and re-reading "All the Pretty Horses" before my bag was stolen in Quito. Currently reading The Crying of Lot 49 and finishing Nature`s Metropolis.

I´v always loved classic films (1930s - 70s more or less) In general, I tend to go for things that present themselves unconventionally and are intellectually provocative.


Waking up this morning.

Que hoy me despertí.

Me reveiller chaque matin.


Languages, organizing, cooking/eating/drinking, ideas


  • 2 担保s

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