Jade Starbala's Photo

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  • 41 references 18 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Italian, Spanish
  • 37, Female
  • Member since 2008
  • food&wine philosopher
  • BA @ BU & life lessons from the likes of yous
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me


"don't be sorry, just do better." - gotta give it up for xena the warrior princess


I come from a small New England town and was raised by a family with a lot of love and a slightly antithetical philosophy. Progressive, conservative, brassy, bland - socialized to these conditions, I grew up confused. Ah, the beauty of this (modern?) condition! Now I´m trying to figure out why I was born into this family, why I came into the world as a North American girl at this critical point in space/time. Exploring my roots around the globe and realizing that this is just the beginning of my work - there are roots of a whole race to see about.

This is the type of work that interests me - seeing and thinking about the people and places that I come from, dancing their dances, cooking and eating their food, speaking their languages. I aim to savor every moment of every day, and am trying not to take myself so seriously.


you are the author of your own life.

the key ingredients of a happy life, for me: intention + love+ harmony+ union+ focus+ concentration+ imagination

everything we do is integral to the well being of the whole universe - we are all in this thing together! So it´s best to think and act accordingly. karma, or something like it...
The outside world is a physcial manifestation of our inside worlds - as above, so below. Just breathe!
To be kind and compassionate to all life forms and to see the beauty in everything is the best thing we can do for ourselves and (therefore) each other. It seems hard at times, but why? Whenever I have trouble with this, I remind myself that I am not just me, I am a part of everyone and everything. A lot of smart people explain this idea much more clearly than I am here - but I hope you´re getting the picture.
in essence: go with the flow. smile! laugh! love!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Making connections - linking specific individuals and then people in general with the network. Being present in the conversations I have with fellow surfers, listening and sharing!


Couchsurfing is magical. No really, I mean it. In Italy, I discused lucid dreaming over pizza and wine and found out that I had experienced the exact same dreams as my host. In Boston, I hosted someone from the other side of this earth that I knew through some degrees of separation. I learn something from every person that I interact with, but when the interaction is with a couchsurfer the importance of the lesson is magnified. It keeps happening and it´s all very exhilarating.


possibilities! that means everything. but, to give you a clearer idea of what gets me ticking...
metaphysical metaphysics, shamanism, languages, slow food, hooping, nature, dressing up, sustainability, playing with fire, wearing costumes, going for long walks by myself, spirals, red wine, dark beer, playing with animals, playing in general, sharing meals with loved ones, chocolate, being cozy, getting sweaty, watching films, reading books, art (what is art?), dreaming, listening (eavesdropping), living like I mean it. i think my burning man stage is here to stay

  • animals
  • arts
  • writing
  • books
  • beauty
  • perfumes
  • dancing
  • dining
  • cooking
  • chocolate
  • wine
  • red wine
  • beer
  • movies
  • reading
  • languages
  • hitchhiking

Music, Movies, and Books

My Life as a Dog, La Strada, foreign romantic comedies, kung fu

Random Rab and all sorts of trippy tribal beats. Xavier Rudd, Bob Dylan. The Beatles, and some tunes that you be catchin up in the club.

The Art of Travel, the Italian dictionary, the Bible, French Women for All Seasons, White Noise, Nature in Winter, and tons I haven't yet read

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

saw coyotes in arizona wilderness whilst sunbathing nude on a rock.

crossed the chilean border on foot. lots of hitchhiking as a single solo lady

cleaned my body from the outside in.

speaking of feet, my right foot was punctured by a foot-long piece of floor board (see photos). spent two weeks in the hospital.

made hula hoops and danced my way around italy, canada, holland, and argentina (obvi in addition to the US). spreading the hoop love one nation at a time...

Traveled on a hippie bus from Brooklyn, NYC to burn the man in Nevada.

Teach, Learn, Share

I find that I teach and learn through sharing a conversation or an interaction. I'm learning how to open up so that I can teach and learn even more...
Couchsurfing has been an important step in this process. I've met only interesting individuals that have left me with lasting impressions/

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Austria, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, France, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Virgin Islands, U.S.

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

Old School Badges

  • 5 Vouches

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