Le foto di Jamie Cameron

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Accetta ospiti

  • Tasso di risposta del 0%
  • Ultimo accesso 8 mesi fa

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Jamie.

Informazioni generali

  • 45 referenze 39 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English; lingua che sta imparando French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 31, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2014
  • Artist
  • Two bachelor degrees
  • Di Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I'm Jamie, a human and artist very involved in collecting and sharing music.

I moved onto country 7 years ago, then Naarm, Oz 6 months later, and started a record label & gathering for about 5 of those years.
I used to live in the corporate world, and had a sort of awakening in 2016 and left it behind (gradually) to engage more seriously with music.
Around this time I also decided to remove alcohol from my life, and this was one of the best things I could have done. 6 years emancipated this year and don’t imagine coming back to it.

Most of my time currently gets filled by running an online record store specialising in rare and obscure gems (records), as well as working with film, photography, design, and playing music as a DJ.

I really enjoy couchsurfing at times, even though at the moment I am experiencing exponential growth in my music life, and have a lot of people that want my attention at any one time, limiting my ability to host as regularly as I would like.
I’ve always had a 100% response rate, but sometimes the requests are about 10+ a day, and for someone who is running their own operation and as much stuff as i’m doing, it may take me some time to respond to requests - please don’t feel offended if I can’t host you due to my time & space constraints, and pump those genuine requests out to other hosts in the area, you’ll find someone if you send enough relevant requests.

Mostly i’m looking to host guests who are self-aware & self referential, and are open to vege/vegan diets as well as outlooks, considering compassion for all beings and practicing non-violence with themselves and others.
Future guests would also do well to be self-sufficient, since sometimes while i’m hosting, I might have duties tbat I will & must take care of, sometimes I could invite you, and you could help/enjoy and other times i’d need to be alone.

Depending on the vibe you’d be able to be at my house without me, it’s happened before and there are a lot of plants that need regular water anyway, so ☺️😁

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I want to connect with kindred spirits, enjoy life, learn & communicate, challenge self-imposed and societal values and limitations, experiment with Nudisme, consentially and at the right moments with the right sympathetic resonance.

I would like to discuss political and sociological theories and hunches, discuss spirituality and sex-positivity & sexuality, and how all of these branches come from the same tree, who’s seed lives inside us all.

I’m far more interested in a sharing economy - energy sharing is the future, rather than the likes of capitalism.

I am very tidy, friendly and always have nice music to share with you, my cooking skills come recommended and I give great hugs.


I love learning about human dynamics, how you relate to music and the world, & your experience with Meditation, which I teach occasionally, I also love to separate my body from my mind, when i’m dancing.

Some good advice for would-be guests: Talk a bit about your host and refer to which part of their profile resonated or moved you the most, mention why you want to stay with them, and tell them what you think you would do while you stay. Keep it genuine, as not everybody should host everybody, but if the vibe is right, and there’s respect, you’ll be making tons of CS homies in no time.
TLDR: Keep it real and write (you can also use voice-to-text) genuine, unique messages, and you’ll get hosted more often.

  • film making
  • meditation
  • traveling
  • bouldering
  • music
  • skateboarding
  • friendship
  • kindness
  • love
  • taoism
  • vipassana
  • herbal medicine
  • sexuality
  • cannabis
  • esotericism
  • grace
  • oneism
  • trancendence

Musica, film e libri

All music can be interesting at the right time.
I’m a huge music nerd and can spend weeks with nothing but some great speakers, records and some good friends.

My Instagram, SoundCloud & YouTube channel are places where I share music (& thoughts), often rare and obscure.
You can search “Jamie The Scorpio” to find me all over.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Did a big poo

Insegna, impara, condividi

We can discuss and listen to music.
We can dance & get sweaty, decalcify our Pineal Gland.
We can cook vege/vegan food.
We can go filming/photography session.
I can teach you to DJ, dig and find/collect music.
I can teach you to produce music, I live in my studio.
I can give you a simple Astrological reading.
We can explore and discover the area.
We could take a trip to Aotearoa.
We can discuss philosophy & morality.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

• Cooking & eating
• Sharing great music
• Handyman help , since I used to work as a removalist and i'm quite strong, as well as having a profound connection to Feng Shui and architecture, with a background in property project design & management
• I can show you what i’ve learnt during the last 6 years of heavy camera use.
• We can go record digging (maybe you even have a turntable).
• I have practiced deep tissue massage for some time now, & share my healing powers to those with whom I can resonate.
• I can give you your own space, i’m fully independent.
We can sit and drink tea, listen to our senses.
• We can have a conversation, I love to listen as well as be heard.

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Serbia, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Jamie.

I miei gruppi