Japa Moyoko's Photo

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Maybe Accepting Guests

  • 66% response rate
  • Last login 15 days ago

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  • 5 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish; learning English, French, Spanish
  • 30, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • No occupation listed
  • Fraternity
  • From Brazil
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me

Eu moro na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Eu gosto de artes, musica, danças culturais, viajar, tocar violino e instrumentos, política e filosofia, além de conversar e conhecer novos amigos.

I live in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I like arts, music, cultural dances, traveling, playing the violin and instruments, politics and philosophy, as well as talking and meeting new friends.

Por do sol na praia é uma boa ideia, ler bons livros e gosto de praticar esportes, lutas e passeios de bicicletas.

Sunset on the beach is a good idea, reading good books and I like playing sports, fighting and cycling.

Eu gosto de passeios ao ar livre, ter contato com a natureza e acampar.

I like outdoor walks, being in contact with nature and camping.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Já recebi várias pessoas de outros países e também já indiquei lugares para pessoas do couchsurfing.

I've already received several people from other countries and I've also recommended places to couchsurfing people.
Eu quero mostrar a beleza da cidade e mostrar as dificuldades politicas, diferenças sociais que acontecem no meu país.
Eu quero fazer novos amigos, conhecer novas culturas, novas experiencias, mostrar a cultura do meu país e conhecer outras cidades.

I want to show the beauty of the city and show the political difficulties, social differences that happen in my country.
I want to host someone in my house, I want to make new friendships, new cultures, new experiences, show my country's culture and meet other cities.


Filosofia, história, cultura. ensinar meu idioma nativo, trocar experiências, fazer amigos...

Philosophy, history, culture, teach my language,Walking trails, love Arts, music, camping, traveling, playing the violin, juggling, sing, read books and others things.

Music, Movies, and Books

Música cultural de qualquer lugar, musica irlandesa, musica popular brasileira , musica eletronica e outras.

Cultural music everywhere, irish music, Brazilian popular music, electronics...

Teach, Learn, Share

Liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade.
Ensinar outro idioma, fazer novos amigos e compartilhar experiências.

Liberty, equality and fraternity
Teach another language, make new friends and share experiences

What I Can Share with Hosts

Mostrar o lugar onde nasci e cresci, a cultura brasileira, a visao do brasileiro sobre o mundo, trocar experiencias, observar questões sobre igualdade, humanidade.
Receber e indicar lugares bons e baratos para visitantes no meu país, trocar experiências, culturas, ensinar novos idiomas, mostrar a visão do brasileiro sobre o mundo.

Show the place where I was born and raised, Brazilian culture, the Brazilian vision of the world, exchange experiences, observe questions about equality, humanity.
Receive hosts in my home, share my experiences, culture, teaching languages, show the tourist spots of my city.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, French Guiana, Japan, Pitcairn, Sweden, Uruguay

Countries I’ve Lived In


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