Jennie Williams's Photo

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  • 20% response rate
  • Last login over 1 year ago

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  • 44 references 22 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 49, Female
  • Member since 2009
  • Lawyer/teacher/gender and trafficking consultant/phd cand...
  • uni
  • From chester
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To keep on smiling!


I'm pretty easy going and like to chat! I love scuba diving, riding my bike, camping and chilling out generally. I'm currently undertaking a PhD in human rights and am a gender and trafficking consultant based on Bangkok, Thailand. My passion is of course travelling and meeting new people, as I'm sure it is for everyone on here, which is perfect for me. I'm more than happy to provide my hospitality to like minded fun people who want to come and visit.


No matter what you do, have fun. Never take anything for granted. Be happy and smile!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Well let me tell you! I have hosted in UK and Thailand and surfed in USA, Borneo, Thailand and Indonesia so far. I always announce my arrival to CSers on the forum for wherever I'm traveling to and organise meet ups and outings. The CS scene in Bangkok is probably the most lively anywhere I have been. I have met some of the most amazing people through CS and who will always remain my friends. I look forward to meeting many many more. :)


I've hosted and surfed and loved it and often met people on my travels who have offered me the comfort of their home and the generosity of their hearts. I endeavour to do the same and to them I will be forever grateful.


travelling; scuba diving; reading; learning; talking; writing amusing emails; kayaking; walking; juggling; cooking and eating good food; spending quality time with friends and satisfying my endless curiosity.

  • writing
  • mardi gras
  • dining
  • cooking
  • walking
  • boating
  • reading
  • traveling
  • juggling
  • cycling
  • kayaking
  • camping
  • scuba diving

Music, Movies, and Books

varied; trance; chilled; Alison Moyet; Abba; Dolly Parton, the usual!! James Clavell, Michael Crichton. Foreign films. Anything quirky and different.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Volunteered for the 2008 30th Sydney Mardi Gras! The biggest ever! I was a part and parcel of the Parade and had a ridiculous amount of fun. I couldn't possibly put into words what I saw or did....! ;)

Easter Island...just magical. Scuba diving - everything & everywhere! Holding and bottle feeding a tiger cub (OMG); traveling by boat on the Mekong river from Vietnam to Cambodia; trekking in Chiang Rai, doing a Mahout training course with elephants in Chiang Mai; being chatted up by a Monk in Sukhotai; kayaking, seeing Orangutans, trekking and exploring the Niah caves of much and so much still to do!

Teach, Learn, Share

I've lived and worked abroad and travelled extensively throughout SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, USA and most recently to S America. As a woman, I've travelled on my own and with company and am fairly "streetwise". My head's pretty much on my shoulders, when it's not being knocked around falling out of planes or off sand boards!

What I Can Share with Hosts

Me :)

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Thailand, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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