Fotos de Joanna Castro

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Visão geral

  • 3 referências 1 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English, German, Portuguese, Spanish; aprendendo: Chinese
  • 27, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2015
  • Student
  • One semester of environmental sciences at UFF university ...
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 95% concluído

Sobre Mim

I'm very calm and smily basically..
I think it 's fair to say I spent 98% of my life laughing, which makes me very happy :).. I was possibly sleeping during the other 2% though.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

When I first moved to Germany, on August 2015, to make a bachelor here, I was absolutely lost and still looking for an apartment. A friend suggested I couchsurfed while I looked for an apartment, and it was the best idea ever! I met great people, that not only were a lot of fun but helped me understand how to get around in Germany :D
I´m very glad I got to find out what a great opportunity couchsurfing is to meet different people and get truly in contact with cultures from all over!


Hanging out with friends, learning new things - even the a bit useless ones-watching series or reading.
My hobbys are mainly learning new languages and about different cultures, playing the piano, photography and dancing. Hope to keep adding new ones to the list.
Horses and riding are my absolute passion. I'm pretty sure I 'd be able to spend my hole life just staring at them rsrs

  • horses
  • photography
  • dancing
  • reading
  • piano
  • languages

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Mostly I listen to gospel music but I also listen to a little bit of everything... Also, my memory is beyond bad so I have a hard time remembering music, movies and books names to call favorites... My Bad

Series: NCIS, chicago fire, chicago pd, law and order in general, fresh off the boat, arrow... With the studies though I'm probably a season late in all of them rsrs

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

If anyone wants to learn or practice some portuguese here I am :) if wants to practice other languages I know feel free as well, hope I can help, just no guarantees on the german and Chinese quality.. Sorry, still in process
Love to learn about what people experience in their daily lives in their home countries or experienced in travels! And anything else they have to teach really...
And would happily share anything you would like to know about what is it like to live in Brazil :D

Países que Visitei


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