Johannes  Goetz的照片


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  • 5 评语 5 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, German, Latin; 正在学习 French, Italian
  • 29, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2014
  • Student
  • Abitur (high school diploma)
  • 来自Deggendorf, Bavaria
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



to enjoy my time and explore the world, meet new people and see interesting places


I live in a small town in bavaria. I'm 19 years old and I finally made my high school diploma, the Abitur, which is fantastic, cause i always wanted to travel and explore the world and finally i'm old enough to travel on my own responsibility and got a lot of free time to do so. I want to live a life that is relaxing and adventurous at the same time. Before i start studying (probably medicine) I want to visit beautiful places, meet interesting people and live my own little adventure.


I got some quotes i try to fulfill everyday:
Overcome your fear and push your life out of your comfort zone!
Do one thing that scares you everyday.
Carpe Diem.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I really like the idea that there is a possible friend of you everywhere in the world. I want to be a part of it by traveling the world and making new friends but also by hosting somebody at my home to be that example you have in mind when you think about my country. I think when everybody's got friends all over the world, there won't be any bad prejudice of anybody and you feel like the hole world is your home and not just the country you live in.


I like to travel, meet my friends, cruise with my pennyboard, swim and go to the gym. I recently started playing guitar. i´m doing many things, but my biggest hobby is living and enjoying life.

  • working out
  • traveling
  • guitar
  • swimming
  • medicine
  • hitchhiking


I really like the movies "Limitless"and "Jumper", also i sometimes like to watch animes like "Sword Art Online", "Deathnote"and "Shingeki no Kyojin".

Books i really like have quite boring titles like "An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It" - by Al Gore or "commonweal economy - by Christian Felber" but i really want to educate me everyday. I


I hitchhiked 10000 kilometres by myself.

I won a couple of hundred euros in the "Casino royale" of the James Bond movie in Monaco on the first and last time I went in a casino.

I had some good discussions with a ambassador of the united states and some politicans, one of them a president of the district of lower bavaria about things that didn't work out in our countries.

I was on a hitchhiking-trip through europe with stops like Milan, Nice, Barcelona, Gibraltar, Madrid, Paris, Amsterdam and some beautiful little cities.

I created a project to help refugees by integrating them into society with help of many schools in lower bavaria.


Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey



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