Le foto di Jonty Ellaby

Profilo non verificato

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Non accetta ospiti

  • Ultimo accesso quasi 4 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 1 referenza
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Italian, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando Arabic, French, Portuguese
  • 32, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2011
  • Student
  • University of Durham in England studying Spanish, Italian...
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 90%

Chi sono


I'm a relaxed, chilled-out guy. Quiet at first, but very keen to know more people and more about the world. I love to travel, and have seeked new destinations with every bit of spare time I've had in the last three years. Love learning languages, and in the evening eating a good meal and drinking with friends.


I love to travel, to discuss life, to learn languages. Music, good TV programmes. I wish I had the patience to sit down and read more. I'd also like one day to be able to break through the impatience and be able to settle down and learn a real skill such as playing the guitar.

  • running
  • drinking
  • tv
  • traveling
  • music
  • guitar
  • soccer
  • languages

Musica, film e libri

Breaking Bad, Homeland, Game of Thrones, Modern Family. Most types of music, from rock to pop to reggae to rap. Depends on the mood - anything can be good.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

Looking for miles into the distance across the sand dunes and freshwater lagoons of Lençois de Marenhenses in Brazil.
Playing a game of football against a team of Belizean children under the heaviest tropical rain I've ever seen.
Running away from a drugged up Spaniard at 3am from a petrol station somewhere south of Valencia having reluctantly hitched a lift with him 10 hours before.

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, Peru, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Viet Nam

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Italy, United Kingdom

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