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  • 3 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Catalan, Valencian, Portuguese
  • 48, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • Acompañante en escuela libre y musicoterapeuta
  • No education listed
  • From Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Mi nombre es Jorge Tinoco y vivo el presente con visión de futuro. Me adapto con facilidad a los cambios y me mantengo muy activo socialmente.
Este dinamismo que me caracteriza me permite mantener dos trabajos, uno como musicoterapeuta y otro como profesor en una escuela infantil.

My name is Jorge Tinoco and I live the present with a vision of the future. I adapt easily to the changes and stay very active socially.
This dynamism that characterizes me allows me to keep two jobs, one as a music therapist and another as a teacher in a children's school.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Estoy preparando la vuelta al mundo a partir del otoño del 2019, por eso queremos conocer e invitar a personas de todo el mundo a conocer nuestra casa y a compartir nuestra vida.

I am preparing to travel around the world from the fall of 2019, so we want to meet and invite people from all over the world to know our home and share our life.


  • music
  • sea
  • dive
  • comicbooks

Music, Movies, and Books

Me gusta todo tipo de música. No solemos ver películas, pero siempre recomendados una: "Planeta libre" (la belle verte).

I like all types of music. We do not usually watch movies, but always recommended one: "Free Planet" (la belle verte).

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

He escrito libros de poesía, grabado discos de rock, he tenido un hijo y una hija y llevo más de 8 años viviendo con mi esposa.
I have written poetry books, recorded rock albums, I have had a son and a daughter and I have been living with my wife for over 8 years.

Teach, Learn, Share

Puedo enseñar a tocar la guitarra y otros instrumentos musicales así como solfeo.

I can teach guitar and other musical instruments as well as solfeggio.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Música, risas, reflexología podal, cuentos, y buena vibración.

Music, laughter, foot reflexology, stories, and good vibration.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Indonesia, Portugal, Thailand

Countries I’ve Lived In

Brazil, Spain

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