Joshua Slocum的照片


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  • 上次登录为 almost 16 years之前

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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 Spanish
  • 36, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2009
  • Student
  • TED
  • 来自Keene, NH
  • 个人主页已完成 60%



find one.


I answered this question last. It seems less important now.

Profile Highlights:
-#2 in People I Enjoy
-#1 in Personal Philosophy
-#5 in Interest


1. I am never more or less confident than I should be.

2. Interjecting short casual experiences into longer ones. I should explain this. For example, when I'm studying, like most people, I'll take a quick 15 minute break to do something random, a fleeting experience ( Study breaks, as you probably know, are nothing new to the world). What is interesting, however,is that when I am having a lot of fun, I will also take a similar 15 minute break to do something serious like homework or call a doctor's office to make an appointment. I've realized that both 15 minute breaks, while doing completely different things, serve the exact same purpose: interjecting the short and casual into the midst of the mainstream.

3. I am in love with everyone I meet, maybe its because I'm super super super super super happy right now. I can't tell whether its because the sun is finally shining in Syracuse or because of this really delicious sandwich or because the bestestest song in the world just came on my ipod!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


As of now, the only thing I have done is attempt to make my profile a legitimate representation. This is, quite honestly, the very first honest internet profile I've made. I don't treat this like my facebook account...where I list Kafka and Foucalt among my favorite authors and my Interests say....WOBBLY WOBBLY WOBBLY WOO!


I wish. I was about to try and explain why sleeping over at my friends' homes back in high school evinced some sort of couchsurfing experience. But really, we just played video games and watched movies. I don't know the formal definition of couchsurfing on this website, but my guess is that playing video games and watching movies usually aren't on a host's mind when a couchsurfing enthusiast shows up. Although, I will never deny the part of me that loves watching action movies and shooting aliens.


1. hip-hop

2. I've always wanted the opportunity to talk about class with someone from "high" class. I don't know how to make the conversation appropriate without it seeming contrived or offensive. I have daydreams of an elevator crashing or some natural disaster happening that somehow forces me and the CEO of a stereotypically evil company (HMOs) into a dark and cramped space. My daydreams usually skip the chit-chat and introductions because as we sit there for hours on end bonding (a couple seconds in the daydream), we talk about everything: his fears, his maybe-cancerous mole, his loves, and hopefully his cat. "Class" issues have never come up. I like my daydreamed conversations to be real, so because I don't know how to talk about class in the real world, I don't even know how to bring it up to a daydreamed CEO at the bottom of a daydreamed elevator shaft. I want to learn how to talk about class. Casually.

3. cars

4. my cat running up to me for more than just food. Hes the dog I never had.

5. Sometimes I wonder (only now, really) if 250,000 years from now, apes will be in schools with us. Apes will embrace human academia, which colonized it, and out of that, something like...ape anxiety will occur. Ape scholars will recognize this anxiety, and the result will be a whole new different literary discourse: Specieism. Ape scholars will write about how humans once would cage apes and consider them playful pets, research subjects without emotions. Ape feminism will attack the male man, the alpha ape and the concept of gender as it oppresses the female apes in their conquest for equality not only in the realm of gender, but also in the realm of socioeconomic and cultural equality. Ape scholars will write volumes and books and essays using newly coined terms like "species disenfranchisement" or "the Apeist critique." The first Ape will graduate with a Ph.D. from Harvard, and upon being interviewed on his monumental success, he'll get irritated with the young ape reporter who never studied her roots, and say something to the effect of, "Do not be impressed that your own primitive brother reads and writes."

  • pets
  • cats
  • dogs
  • books
  • womens rights
  • dining
  • running
  • movies
  • video games
  • cars
  • hunting
  • journalism
  • medicine
  • physics
  • beaches


I'm an uneducated heathen.

1. Most Recent Movie: Kaddhak
2. Most Recent Book: Toni Morrison's the Bluest Eye
3. Song playing on my iPod right now: Scott Wozniak's Got You Moving on his EP album Soho Sessions.


1. My boyfriend and I went to his home in Hawaii over Christmas break (Dec-Jan 2008). Given the right sunset (%99.9 of them), Waikiki beach is just like you could imagine.

2. I also bought the best blueberries the other day. Very crispy but soft on the inside. Nature's doughnut.


1. I'm studying for a physics exam in the midst of typing this, but you probably wouldn't find it very interesting.

2. I love to share my boyfriend with other people. He's awesome. He typed this sentence.

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