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- Last login almost 11 years ago
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About Me
The best things in life are free!
We live in Brasília, capital of Brazil. Juana was born in Brasilia and Helio was born in Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais. We like to travel, go to different places, walk, watching movies, doing physical activity, enjoy the sunshine, meet friends, learn new languages. We don't smoke. We love animals.
Places that a visitor have to go in Brasilia:
- Esplanada dos Ministérios (Congresso Nacional, Catedral, Museu Nacional, ...)
- Feira da Torre de TV
- Ponte JK
- Jardim Botânico
- Domingo de manhã no Parque da Cidade
- Por do sol na entrada do Cruzeiro
- Açaí na Mormaii do Pontão do Lago Sul
- Dançar forró no Arena às quintas-feiras
- Banho de piscina natural no Parque Água Mineral
- Chapada dos Veadeiros, GO
- Bares e cafés como: Godofredo(408 norte), Rayuela(412 sul), Balaio(201 norte), Beirute(107 norte), Bendito Suco(413 norte), Fulô do Sertão(404 norte), Mercado Municipal(509 sul), Croissanterie(215 norte), Feitiço Mineiro(306 norte), Mittelalter(203 norte), Chiquita Bacana(209 sul), Kitinete(209 sul), O'Rilley(409 sul), Caldo (409 norte - residencial)...
Find out who you are and what really gives you pleasure is very important. Sometimes we follow rules and standards set by others and so we feel trapped. Today be free is very important to us. Life is short and should be well lived. To do so whenever possible we travel, we like to cultivate friends and make and say everything that the heart wants.
Why I’m on Couchsurfing
Changing cultural experience with new friends. We had good experiences traveling around the world and meeting people with open heart. We always sugest and indicate the web site when we have an oportunity to say about.
March, 2010. Fernando(Portugal) in Bahia (Brasil)
May, 2010. Jerome(França) in Polinésia Francesa
January, 2011. Pablo(Alemanha) in China
Hosting in Bahia:
March, 2010. Jakara - Australia
March, 2010. Anita - Brasília, Brazil
Hosting in Brasília:
July, 2010. Ellen - Holanda
September, 2010. Nathalia - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October, 2010. Melanie - Peru
March, 2011. Anna - Estados Unidos
April, 2011. Debrin - Nova Zelandia
April, 2011. Jesika - Canadá
October, 2011. Rhady - Argentina
July, 2012. Mariana - Argentina
We love to travel and want to live outside the rush of big cities and conventional jobs. Because of that we decide to have our own company and work with cultural events, you can see more about in We enjoy physical activity, sun, sea, boat and culture (cinema, theatre, dance, etc).
- animals
- culture
- dancing
- boating
- movies
- tv
- traveling
- socializing
- surfing
- languages
- beaches
Music, Movies, and Books
Book: Eat, Pray and Love. Ócio Criativo. A incrível viagem de Shackleton.
Movies: Diary of motorcycle. Moulan Rouge. Avatar. Stomach. A stolen kiss. One Dream of freedom. Em busca da terra do nunca.
One Amazing Thing I’ve Done
Nadamos com elefante na Tailândia, Helio ficou 6 meses a bordo de um veleiro indo da Polinésia Francesa à Indonésia e visitou 14 países, viajamos pelo Sudeste Asiático, andamos a cavalo em noite de lua cheia em Trancoso (Bahia) e dançamos forró na praia, vimos neve pela primeira vez em Shangai, andamos de motorbike junto a uma multidão de vietnamitas em Hue comemorando o primeiro lugar do Vietnam na Copa Asiática, Juana fez workshop com o grupo de Eugênio Barba chamado Odin Teatret na Dinamarca, viajamos de carro de Floripa a Porto Seguro,...
We swam with elephant in Thailand, Helio was six months aboard a sailboat going from French Polynesia to Indonesia and visited 14 countries, we traveled throughout Southeast Asia, we hide a horse walked on a full moon night in Trancoso (Bahia) and dance forró on the beach,we saw snow for the first time in Shanghai, we walked along the motorbike with many people in Hue to celebrate that Vietnam won the Championship Asian Cup, Juana made a workshop with the group of Eugenio Barba called Odin Teatret in Denmark, we traveled by car from Florianópolis to Porto Seguro in Brazil, ...
Teach, Learn, Share
Learn other languages, dances. Share stories, experiences, photos.
Countries I’ve Visited
Argentina, Australia, Cambodia, Chile, China, Cook Islands, Denmark, French Polynesia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Paraguay, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam
Countries I’ve Lived In
Old School Badges
3 Vouches -
Pioneer Badge