Photos de Justu

Profil vérifié

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  • Dernière connexion il y a 9 jours

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  • 33 avis 24 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, German; apprend  Russian, Spanish
  • 27, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2018
  • Aucune profession indiquée
  • Architecture
  • de Pécs, Baranya County, Hungary
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

Hello there!
Although I´m a member of the CS community for a while now, I’m still overwhelmed by all the nice, lovely, genius, open.. just beautiful minds I stumble over while traveling or hosting. Big thanks to all of you!

Who am I?
Probably just another youngster grinding trough early adulthood. Just in case you think tl, dr for the rest of my profile ;) btw. I´m into writing.. please read the "my home" section, the rest down here isn't too important 😅


I'll be travelling from now until at least in the end of September, so won't be available to host in the meantime..

Caring about people, feelings and emotions. It´s important for me to be sensible about myself and my environment. I love to listen and talk. Being surrounded by characters I like is maybe as necessary as eating for me! Doesn't mean I´m hypersensible, or selective about who I like or not, but that I enjoy human beings a lot and couldn´t be living on a lonely island for the rest of my life (but with them, yolo :D) 🏳️‍🌈

Sustainability is the topic of our time. As I become more and more aware about it, I also get more active. Means I´m mostly eating vegetarian/vegan, I don´t and won´t own a car, I won´t ever build a single family house for myself (tough this has more reasons), and more important, I try to participate in climate actions. If you got any interesting insights, ideas or projects, feel free to share them! Finding more positive approaches to sustainability would be exiting, so if you got any, feel free to share!

Ah and by all means, please don´t be a fascist!

I´m in the 7(7)th Semester (maybe it's more, but I've stopped counting now;)) of architecture studies. So if you ever want to build something (or if you got too much money and you need some fancy 3d printed steel stairs) ask me ;)
I love hiking, biking and photography(also aerial), especially out in the nature. And I got some strange hobbies (Larp, Jugger).. tough chess is the strangest of all (challange me on lichess: :P
If you got MtG cards, feel free to bring them for a match!
In the evening I mostly care about tasty food and cooking, as well as conversation, games, just lovely people around me to enjoy life itself..

Language wise I'd like to learn Spanish (russian, and japanese for further notice; however I´m a slow language learner and could need some good tricks, tips and motivation), Python (eh rather just scripting to create my own grasshopper and rhino plugings, as well as cities skylines assets and mods) and how to play a piano!
I´m yearning to learn to sail and I´m looking for climbing partners (I know the basics there but wanna get better/stronger).
I think I’m open minded and open for everything new, as I want to collect as much experience as possible, and live life to the fullest.
Recently I mostly try to figure out Anarchy and from that being said I'm seeking for a way to live as anarchistic as possible too..
Would be interesting to hear your perspective there, gain some insights I haven't and have some exchange of knowledge..
That’s all about me I want to write here, as going further into detail would end in a novel.. ask anything!
From all these interests, hobbies and ideas, you could think I got a pretty good layout of the next couple of years. However maybe true to some extend, freedom is something I value more than most plans and ideas.. so I'm constantly seeking for a way to be as free as possible while enjoying life as much as possible :D

(This profile is always under construction since I'm studying architecture..)

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

People are awesome! That’s it mostly. I love to give and receive thoughts, experience, knowledge, skills.. and I love to share moments and my live with open minded, interesting new people. Also I want to travel as much as I can and if I’m not traveling I’m always thinking about the next destination, so hosting people is the best way to learn something about unknown places and cultures to see!

Centres d'intérêt

  • culture
  • books
  • literature
  • architecture
  • modern art
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • drones
  • politics
  • chess
  • traveling
  • hiking
  • swimming
  • history
  • philosophy
  • historic sites
  • urban exploration
  • art
  • food
  • tea
  • social sciences
  • aikido
  • archaeology
  • discussion
  • climbing
  • urban planning
  • fotography
  • climate change
  • discovering new places
  • communism
  • crafting
  • modern architecture
  • informatics
  • wrtiting
  • kajaking
  • awesomeness
  • cooking and eating
  • climbing mountains
  • cities syklines

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

Alt-j ❤️
Classic stuff like Smetana
Electro, Techno, High-Tech, Goth-Metal, Jazz, Indie, Punk and any other good music..lately I got into some hip-hop as well.

Quentin Tarantino
Daniel Craig
Being John Malcovic
Bridge of spies
Martyrs (2008)
Good Movies from every genere and Fantasy/Sifi
Some series and some anime’s (neon genesis Evangelion, aot, hellsing, Overlord, Code Geass, Vinland Saga, Darling in the franxx ( :P wtf..)

Die Entdeckung der Langsamkeit
Ex Oriente Lux
A short history of humankind
Victory city
Brandon Sanderson 🥰
Markus Heitz
and many more (reading 'the earth is an architecture' at the moment. Just finished Ken Folett's 'pillars of earth'... If you got any suggestions for must reads, come send them ;))

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Most of my life since I´ve been born _:D Not tried to bee amazing but trough the good and the bad it turned out to be just like this all the time ^^

Climbed many mountains with my father.
Saw the architectural biennial in Venice 2018, (and 2021) and listend to the cat-like seagulls there.
Being on a boat (not with T-pain) but with some awesome russian people in Saint Pete.
Slept on a pink sofa for a month and became a sparkly vampire!
Witnessed a wedding in Copenhagen.
Saw the eternal city with a wide mix of wonderful people in Rome.
Spend some weekends out in caves or under the open sky with friends.
Moved to another city without knowing anyone there and found myself surrounded by the most amazing people.
Roadtripped trough romania and explored the donau delta.
Travelled with my brother.
Learned that real friendship never ends in Budapest.
Hiked in the high Atlas.
AHH and so much more recently that I sit here and don't even know where to start adding to the list..

I know that´s more then one thing, but I like long profiles. If I´d have to find one single amazing action I´ve done, it would have to be signing up on couchsurfing!

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

Everything and anything. If you got skills in crafting, painting, writing, architecture and art, social works, sustainability, maths, programming ah whatever, I'd be humbled to learn from you :)

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

Breakfeast(?), experiences, friendship.
If I’m hosting and got some time, I could show you around my city (please help, Nuermberg is 1000km away and I dunno Hungary yet ;)), recommend (and go) to the best (noneexsiting) techno clubs, go hiking somewhere around the city. Of course I’d enjoy to cook with you. Also playing board games (if I´d got some), lots of fine tea, coffee and some paint.
Just ask for whatever you need, want, etc..

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Germany, Hungary, Netherlands

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