Photos de Kaylin Wolf

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  • 26 avis 19 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English; apprend  Spanish
  • 32, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2013
  • Photographer, Seamstress
  • BA in Theatre, AFA in Theatre
  • de Blooming Prairie, MN, USA
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

I love Harry Potter so much. My last name is super cool and I'd love to be the person to name my kids Were, Timber, and Gray. They'd have the coolest names ever. I hate babies, but I'm super awesome with kids. I love reading and will devour books, but only if they're good. I don't mind watching a movie over and over again. My favorites are The Emperor's New Groove, Chicken Run, and Grease. I've recently been exclusively watching Shrek, Disney's Hercules, and Moana on repeat. I love quoting movies. I was the first stop on the school bus, and the last one off growing up, which is why I hate riding buses. My favorite color is hot pink. This was adopted from a young age, after my sister stole my original favorite color, purple. It was for this reason that I have boycotted everything purple in my life: cough syrup, grape flavored things, the purple Trix pieces, eggplant... yes. I also don't like bacon. My favorite food is ice cream, seconded by corn on the cob. I grew up on a farm. I have a weird obsession with gnomes, but not in a creepy way. I love mustaches and really really appreciate the curly ones. Monopoly and Clue are my favorite board games. I love Christmas lights above all other holiday things. My birthday is a week before Christmas but my favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and Halloween. Halloween for me starts in September and goes until Christmas. I'm a make up artist at a local haunted amusement park during the season and this would be the reason. I love photography and theatre, and try to see it whenever possible. My sister read my profile and she thinks I'm weird, but she always thinks I'm weird though, so I guess it's okay. Weird in a good way. I also really really love couchsurfing.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

I discovered Couchsurfing when booking hostels for a backpacking trip through Europe. My friend and I decided to give it a try and had an AWESOME experience with our host in Munich. When I got back to the states, I signed up to host others, in the hopes I can give them an equally awesome experience or just a couch to crash on.

The best part for me is the sense of community I get from hosts and surfers. I love feeling at home when I'm on the road. I want others to feel that way when they stay with me. I am filled with joy from the generosity and kindness of strangers that become friends through couchsurfing.

Centres d'intérêt

I love photography, theatre, watching movies, listening to music, reading, traveling, and spending time with cool people. Harry Potter. I like trying new beer and meeting people. Cats chasing lasers. Clean cars. Decorating. I also like cleaning... but not enough to be paid to do it for others. I love the old games we played in gym class. I enjoy swing dancing and playing in jazz bands. Decorating for Christmas is my favorite holiday activity. Smelling candles in the candle store. Gnoming. Meeting new people. Trying new things with new people.

  • dogs
  • photography
  • cooking
  • beer
  • homebrewing
  • travel
  • food
  • theatre
  • stand up comedy
  • sewing
  • hammocking

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

People think my music taste is kind of bizarre... I listen to Lady Gaga, and Halloween music from September to December 24. I love movies; my top 3 favorites are The Emperor's New Groove, Shrek, Hercules; Chicken Run and Grease round out the top 5. My favorite book series of all time is Harry Potter. I'm still getting used to the whole e-book thing. I recently discovered audiobooks and I'm in love with them! I highly prefer real paper when it comes to reading.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Recent: I joined Roger, my Australian couchsurfing host, on a road trip to the middle of the Outback to watch horse races in Birdsville. Some 26 hours of driving to get there and camping under a million stars. One night's activity was long exposure photography and painting with light. Such an amazing opportunity through couchsurfing! I loved every second of it.

In 2010: I took a community service spring break trip to D.C. on a bus full of strangers my age, sleeping on floors, stopping in towns along the way doing service projects for non-profit organizations, while revealing leadership through service, relationships, and action. After this, I led six more of these trips around the U.S., planning the experience for other college and high school students.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I'd love to teach you anything I can. I'm willing to learn anything. I'll share as much as you need. When you stay with me, my house is your house. Make yourself comfortable. Use my groceries. Kick back and relax. You're home.

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I clean! I cook! I walk dogs, cats, and children! I will photograph you and make a portrait. You name it, I can help out with it.

Pays que j'ai visités

Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

United States

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