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  • 11 references 10 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Chinese, English; learning French
  • 32, Female
  • Member since 2013
  • Art project coordinator and traveller=)
  • Degree on Cultural Studies
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

How do you get to know a new place? From lonely planet or google? To me, I prefer to start with people!

When I was 20, I joined Couchsurfing and have hosted and being hosted by some great people and the experience opened my eyes to many wonderful place! Now 2018 comes...over coming all my insecurities, I am going for a super journey with my boyfriend Tom, which may last for one year. What to expect? I think would be more crazy new friends around the world =)

Planning for our backpacking journey:
Nov 18: Finland, Estonia, Iceland
Dec 18: Russia, Norway, Denmark, Germany
Jan 19: Holland, Ireland
Feb 19: Scotland, England
Mar 19: Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania and more~
April 19: Around Balkans~
May 19: France, Spain, Italy and more~

ABOUT ME: I studied Cultural Studies and work for theatre company/ gallary/ cultural organization in Hong Kong.

During my journey I will also keep working for a local art festival in Hong Kong, aims to create a boundary-less environment for emerging artists. I live to love, share, discuss, cook, eat, wander, about you?

PHILOSOPHY: -What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the hearts of others to your own.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I believe in human's kindness. I believe in small power, I love interacting. And i get touched by people's story.

How to say, I have hosted a Polish guy 5years ago in my house for 3 days, And 5 years later, we met again to talk about our life in the same place. What a wonderful and heartwarming relationships that is giving by Couchsurfing=)


  • cats
  • environment
  • cultural studies
  • theatre
  • cooking and baking
  • art festival

Music, Movies, and Books

Film : Rent, Dead Poet Society
Music : Nevershoutnever, Owl city, Jason Mraz, Soda green , Mayday

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Went to Tibet for 2 weeks with friends and the climax of the trip is to take 8 hours bus ride to reach the Himalaya Base Camp and spent one night there, the sky and stars are just stunning. Moreover, its the first time of my life really felt the importance of oxygen haha.

And in Nov 2018, I will start my trip that will last for a year and cross the Europe. I believe that it's going to be amazing too!

Teach, Learn, Share

I love cooking, I made icing cookies, I do drama, I write scripts~

What I Can Share with Hosts

Time, friendship and story are the first thing! I fully understand that we are not staying with the hosts just for a free night, its about exchanging life experiences. Doing CS is not because I can’t afford a bed in hostel, it’s a choice to start an amazing friendship! So I would be very willing to have some quality time spending with my host together!

And, if you love to try some home-cooking/chinese cuisine, I have cooked for my family since young, so we could add some sweet and salty flavour to your kitchen. Plus, you don't need to worry about the dish washing, you have Tom, the professional dish washer haha!

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Scotland, South Korea, Taiwan

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Hong Kong

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