khairooladzelan's Photo

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  • Last login 7 days ago

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  • 19 references 16 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Malay; learning English
  • 37, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • Government
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Looking for new people to stalk!! >.< Just kidding. I love meeting new friends and activity partner/group. I don't get a lot of chance to travel, figured the next best thing is to meet travellers coming here and share their experience.


Relaxed and easy going, love to meet new people, share experience and culture over a cup of coffee or two


Just go with the flow.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I happen to stumble upon CS looking for groups to join in for Rainforest World Music Festival 2013


Pleasant so far! From hosting young couples on their backpacking trip across southeast Asia, to meeting a young lady so keen to learn about the diverse culture Malaysia has to offer, to coffee with an experienced traveller with her stories!


Languages and cultures, computers, gadgets and technologies, pretty much into a lot of different stuffs.

Music, Movies, and Books

Anything from J.K. Rowling and Tolkien, to Dan Brown and Sydney Sheldon. Not a big fan of Twilight tho. I say no to JB, Miley Cyrus, Nicky Minaj and the likes - Definite yes for Metalica, Greenday, LP and such.. Sometimes I hang out with Mariah Carey in my ears.. so, rather versatile.. As for movies, haven't been able to catch any in a very long time. Plus, you can't talk during movies, and I love conversation!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I really am just an ordinary guy. Never went surfing (other than on the internet), no skydiving (or diving for that matter), no bungee jumping, skinny dipping or any crazy adventures. I would like to experience them if I ever get the chance..

If I ever want to pinpoint an accomplishment, I climbed Mount Santubong 3 times all the way up to the peak, and once conquered Bukit Pantu back when I lived in Miri. Guess that's about it. ^^

Countries I’ve Visited

Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In


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