Lionel Vinuales's Photo

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  • 55 references 44 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish; learning German
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • Gave up on trying to find the meaning of life. Let someon...
  • A good one, and I dare YOU to say otherwise=)
  • From Madrid, Madrid, Spain
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To survive my own cooking...or die trying.


If you have learned nothing in 24 hours, maybe there was no point in getting out of bed?

I enjoy cultural shocks, the almost tangible feeling of becoming less ignorant day after day. I also have mundane pleasures such as reading, drawing, music, blabbering, sleeping, nice showers, dancing, and probably much more I have yet to discover.

My dream is to become a Businessman(why not?) and trade rare and priceless merchandise all over the world.
2019 Update: I DID become a businessman. Now I can say for certain that it was NOT my dream.


"Preoccupied with a single leaf, you cannot see the whole tree.
Preoccupied with a single tree, you cannot see the entire forest.
However, the eagle soaring in the sky cannot see the bugs crawling on the ground.
Do not focus, just embrace the world, grasp it entirely and effortlessly.
Only then will you be able to truly see"

Surely, there must be some wisdom in those words. Applying it on a daily basis, however...

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Hosting people, hosting people, host...yeah, that is about it.
Edit: Yeah, I have been traveling for a while now so the above is no longer true.
2019 Edit: Now I actually hope to travel around a bit more. Let's see how lucky I am in finding hosts:D


Actually, my sister brought me into this couchsurfing thingy years ago.
C´est très beau de partager, de s´enrichir, d´apprendre et d´enseigner. Aujourd´hui, 9 ans après mon premier contact avec un couchsurfer, je n´ai qu´un souhait: Multiplier ces expériences=)


Dibujar(poca dependencia),leer(adicción)Música(otra adicción), dormir(un placer), bailar( un viaje a otro universo), teatro(aunque no me considere buen actor en absoluto, pero hey...), los juegos de rol( que también tienen su gracia), las artes marciales( hey pero no me gusta ser golpeado), y otros intereses que no me vienen ahora a la mente...

Music, Movies, and Books

Inception,Ocean´s eleven, Many Disney movies(no shame, some of them are awesome), El laberinto del fauno, Matrix, l´Auberge Espagnole, The Lord Of The Rings, Traffic, The Departed, Gangs of New York, Amélie, etc...

Salif Keita, Youssou N´Dour, Michael Jackson, Lokoua Kanza, Alicia Keys,Satie,Nightwish,Loreena Mac Kenitt, Many disney songs(yep, again), Evanescence, Kokia, Hoobastank, Linkin Park, Jay z, Abingdon Boys School,Grandrodeo, Coldplay, Utada Hikaru, etc.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Does staying alive in such a crazy, Oh so crazy world count?

Teach, Learn, Share

hmmm, I am not wise enough. Give me some years.
Edit: A few years have passed and I still don't own anything worth sharing, I think. Just keep whatever you want to keep.
2019 Edit: I am a bit wiser now, I think I might have found something worth sharing.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Experiences, peace, name it.

Countries I’ve Visited

Angola, Austria, Belgium, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Angola, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches

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