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  • 113 references 96 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Japanese; learning Chinese (Simplified)
  • 40, Other
  • Member since 2012
  • Kimono promotor
  • Life still has to teach me a lot of lessons
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Côte d'Azur, a world I have only glimpsed through movies and romantic dramas, beckons with its alluring charm—a realm of imagination and wonder.
This summer, Karolina and I will embark on an ambitious month-long journey from Nice, France to the enchanting shores of Spain.
This is our first trip to the Côte d'Azur. Despite it being my first time in France, I decided to skip Paris and choose the southern region of Côte d'Azur instead. My affinity for the sea runs deep, as evidenced by my three-year stay in the idyllic Mariana Islands of Guam and Saipan.

There, amidst the pristine beaches teeming with vibrant tropical fish, I witnessed the grandeur of the Pacific sunsets and immersed myself in the rhythmic melodies of Chamorro dance shows resonating from various hotels. The familiar strains of Elvis Presley's timeless anthem, "Jailhouse Rock," echoed from cruise ships—all these elements blend together, creating an atmosphere filled with the aromas of barbecues and the infectious energy of the visitors, infusing the city with an indescribable vibrancy.

As my thoughts wander, I find myself pondering the mysteries of Côte d'Azur. What kind of beach town awaits us there? What fascinating marine life awaits discovery, and what culinary delights will tantalize our taste buds? I wonder if the cost of living aligns with our expectations, as countless imaginings dance through my mind, igniting a sense of anticipation and curiosity.

Côte d'Azur, a world waiting to be explored, beckons with its unknown treasures, and I eagerly await the unfolding of this coastal odyssey.

As for us, we are deeply engaged in the captivating world of Japanese kimono. It is our passion to showcase and exhibit these exquisite garments at various events. This upcoming journey presents an extraordinary chance for us to embark on a unique adventure: hitchhiking while dressed in a Summer kimono. We are genuinely curious to hear your thoughts and impressions on this idea.


***Kouki moved to Warsaw, Poland. So we may not be able to host in Guam, but Warsaw☺

Embrace life with the mindset that in twenty years, you will regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did - Mark Twain.

In our cherished quest for meaningful travel, our mission is to deeply comprehend what the locals hold dear, their thoughts, their culinary preferences, and their way of life. We yearn to discover what brings them true happiness, embracing the contrasts that exist between us and the divergent values that have shaped my own convictions. All of these revelations shall serve as the sustenance that fuels our journey through life, but also to treasure every encounter as a once-in-a-lifetime experience (一期一会). There's no better way to truly know a country than by getting to know its people.

After Kouki spent a long time in the Mariana Islands, specifically Guam/Saipan, we embarked on a bicycle journey across Japan, starting from Hokkaido. Unfortunately, due to unexpected lockdowns and the impact of COVID-19, we had to give up when we reached Tokyo. Currently, we are residing in Warsaw, Poland.

We love blue skies and beaches, and we thoroughly enjoy meeting and connecting with people. We cherish the present moment and embrace new experiences like adventures in unknown places, which keep me feeling alive. We have dreams of living a nomadic life in a hippie van or a tiny house surrounded by flourishing vegetable gardens. We continue to drift smoothly from country to country.


We firmly believe that deep inside every person, there exists a commonality, regardless of appearances, language, or lifestyle.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

We find it incredible how Couchsurfing allows for the establishment of trust and mutual understanding among individuals who have never met before. It is a true pleasure for us to share parts of our planet and hearts with fellow travelers.

Types of People We Enjoy

We appreciate individuals who have an eye for the small things in life and who possess unique perspectives and thoughtfulness in their own ways.


We are captivated by the ebb and flow of nature and human interactions. Life's senselessness and absurdity hold a special allure for me. Our insatiable curiosity drives us to constantly seek knowledge and explore new realms. Antique Kimono, Vintage, and retro items, especially fashion from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, have a special place in our hearts. We love immersing myself in people's stories, attempting to cultivate herbs (with varying success), diving into books, and uncovering hidden treasures in second-hand shops. Camping, hiking, snorkeling, and bike-riding fill us with joy and adventure. Ultimately, it's the connections with people that truly enrich our experiences.

Additionally, our interests extend to eco-communities, autonomous off-grid projects, self-development, and zero waste. We are fascinated by sustainable living, alternative lifestyles, personal growth, and reducing our environmental impact. These passions drive me to contribute to a more conscious and eco-friendly world, where we can create a harmonious balance between our daily lives and the well-being of our planet.

  • animals
  • culture
  • fashion
  • cooking
  • chocolate
  • wine
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • surfing
  • snorkeling
  • sailing
  • antique
  • vintage clothing
  • kimono

Music, Movies, and Books

We have a deep appreciation for any form of art that combines the raw emotions of a child, the rebellious spirit of a teenager, and the wisdom of an old soul. It's a beautiful fusion that speaks to our hearts.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

One of the most impactful experiences Kouki had was volunteering at a makeshift kitchen in Warsaw, Poland in 2022. He had the privilege of helping to staff the kitchen and serving thousands of meals a day to Ukrainian refugees. It was a humbling and rewarding opportunity that left a lasting impression on him.

Teach, Learn, Share

We are eager to share my discoveries, travel stories, the delights of Japanese cuisine, captivating Japanese music, and positive energy.

What I Can Share with Hosts

We can teach you how to use chopsticks and prepare and enjoy authentic Japanese dishes like ramen, okonomiyaki (Japanese-style pizza), and sushi. We can also introduce you to the art of Japanese calligraphy (known as 習字), create origami (Japanese paper craft), and share recommendations for outstanding Japanese movies, manga, and anime.

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Cyprus, Egypt, England, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Northern Mariana Islands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Japan, Northern Mariana Islands, Poland, United States

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