Fotos de LeeAnna Maniace

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Visão geral

  • 1 referência 1 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English; aprendendo: Spanish
  • 33, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2015
  • Prospective Graduate Student in Education; Environmental ...
  • University at Buffalo Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and...
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 80% concluído

Sobre Mim

Hey, my name is LeeAnna. I am easy going and very friendly. I love nature and being outside. I eat mostly fruits and vegetables. I like to get up and move my body in any way that feels right. I enjoy good laughs and I'm most usually up for anything!

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

Right now I'm looking for somewhere to stay on my travels in South Florida. I'd love to meet new people and make new friends and share our experiences with each other or better yet enjoy the moment .


Hiking, Nature; Exercise; Organic (vegan) Cuisine; Yoga, Ballet, Dance

  • dancing
  • ballet dancing
  • dining
  • cooking
  • recipes
  • raw food
  • vegan
  • exercise
  • yoga
  • traveling
  • music
  • hiking

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

I'm into so much music, right now my friend is playing The Police and I'm really digging it; I love going to shows and rocking out; dancing and singing really makes me feel so good; I can also enjoy sitting around a fire listening to acoustic or drum circles; uplifting music like techno sometimes, there's so much I like depends on my mood :)

Comedies, suspense, and movies with good lessons to them.

I'm currently in the middle of The Ringing Cedars Series by Vladamere Megre.

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

Took a deep breathe, accepted, forgave, and became here & now.

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

I can teach you yoga, how to move your hips (dance), about cooking and raw food recipes, tips on nutrition and eating healthy, and I'm sure there are other things :)

I'd love to learn how to play instruments and how to read music, new types of dancing, I'd also love to learn about cool places to check out in whatever area I'm traveling, and learning new ways to move :) also open to other things

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

I can share good times and laughs with you as well as sharing food with you if there is a local market around with good stuff.

Países que Visitei

Canada, Gibraltar, Italy, Spain

Países em que Morei

United States

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