Fotos de Lakpriya Nanayakkara

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Visão geral

  • 10 referências 7 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English, Sinhala, Sinhalese; aprendendo: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Tamil
  • 50, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2009
  • Being a Catalyst in Alternative Development.
  • Not quite there yet!
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim


To prove that 'a better world' is Possible!


BORN in Morawaka, BRED in Kandana, LIVE in Rattota, BOUND in Colombo... WORKING on a Global Agenda, BUSY being Universal! Still...., I could Bare to think that 'You'...CHILL!
May be YOU could help me cover some of those vast distances that exist between People & Places.. while it's still Daylight! Could you!?....


To know good enough to do good n' good only for the goodness of it!

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?


I thrive on information with purpose! So, perhaps I've got the tools your looking for in order to fix your day. I live with 'Hospitality' in a 'Heart' having plenty of 'room' for disturbing 'Brothers & Sisters', 'cause after all we're 'Family', right?!.........


I 'Luurrve' Couchsurfing...caz I have had put up in many a house of Friends, Relatives & True Strangers - but, could they be experiences of 'Couchsurfing' ought to tell me!


People, places, events & the state of affairs in the world around you and me!...... Socio-economics, Politics, Flora & Fauna, the Geography and it's demography, farming & food, Philosophy and the Sciences, Faith - Love n' Charity and the hope for a better tomorrow!

  • arts
  • culture
  • literature
  • dining
  • politics
  • agriculture
  • communications
  • economics
  • geography
  • languages
  • religion

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Numerous to mention.... A cocktail of everything suits me best! Art with a part - Music for the heart n' literature that can feature the common good is what moves, grooves and proves me!.....

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

Effect change in People (including me) for the betterment of all!

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

I wish to learn almost everything with special regard to People & Places so that I know where I am, Languages... so that I can communicate with many, Nature... so as to know my being, the World n' it's affairs... cause it's the nature of my work and on a personal note - Agriculture, Politics, Philosophy, Arts, Literature, Media, Current affairs, culture & religion... or whatever you got!

I wish to share Ideas, the Means I can provide, know how that you may need and the dream of a better world!

Países que Visitei

Bangladesh, Brazil, France, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines, Thailand

Países em que Morei

Sri Lanka

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Meus Grupos