Fotos von Leonardo Santo

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  • 76 Referenzen 46 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend English, Portuguese; lernt zurzeit Spanish
  • 42, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2014
  • Editor
  • Jornalista
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

Em cada pequeno gesto no dia a dia, podemos nos tornar melhores e ajudar o próximo em sua caminha. A vida é um grande aprendizado e trocar experiências, estar aberto a ouvir e conhecer o outro é o caminho para o crescimento e a evolução.

Sou jornalista e escolhi o Rio de Janeiro para morar porque amo estar perto do mar e da natureza. A cidade é muito intensa é permite muitas trocas culturais.
Adoro esportes, música e cinema. Gosto de andar de bicicleta ou simplesmente caminhar na praia. Acredito que as amizades tornam tudo isso mais intenso e fazem a vida mais feliz.

Each step in our day is the way to became better and to help the other.

I'm journalist. I love to talk about music, sports, arts, politic, everything that is conected with our lives. I choose Rio to live because I love to stay near to sea. This city is amazing and allows everyone be in contact to nature and to other people, other cultures and vision of life.

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

I love to travel abroad.
I have been hosted in a hostel, in Buzios, and I liked to be in contact with people from many countries.
So I decided to join on Couch to meet travelers, to make new friends, improve my languages and visit other countries.


Travelling, Sports, Reading, Politics, Languages, Arts, Music, Movies

  • arts
  • pub crawls
  • politics
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • sports
  • journalism
  • languages

Musik, Filme und Bücher

I'm eclectic.
But I'd prefer brazilian popular music, MBP, and Rock n' Roll ; )
Peal Jam, U2, Radiohead, Artic Monkeys, Strokes, Rolling Stones, Blur, Foo Fighters, Red Hot, Novos Baianos, Mutantes, Paralamas do Sucesso, Los Hermanos, Engenheiros, Rita Lee, Lobão, Titãs, Nação Zumbi, etc...

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

Hiking the Mountain of Machu Picchu
Go to the top of Catedral of Koln
Paragliding in the beach coast in Bahia
See the sunrise in Sugar Loaf
Swimming in Copacabana beach during the night
See the stars in Ilha Grande

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

I can share my loft in Rio de Janeiro downtown.
It's a building in the middle of Lapa, near pubs, restaurants and Arcos da Lapa.
If you would like to join the night in Lapa is perfect : ))

Länder, die ich besucht habe

France, Germany, Netherlands, Peru, Spain

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe


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