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A man born too young... in a world too old!
I'm mainly a movie maker (and University teacher), you can see my two last film projects here:
A Science-fiction short-film (22mins):
A fantasy/romance feature film currently in production (first 33 mins of the film):
Second, I'm a "Fr-eek".
But WHAT THE HELL is a "Freek"????
Come on... make an effort... of course it is... Tata-Ta-ta-ta...:
YES!!! You got it!!! A FR(ench)-(gr)EEK!!!...
A Freek is a new super advanced gender, son of the illegal fiedish relationship between a strong Camembert and an innocent Feta.
A bit like the X-Men, but better, with more Super Powers! (I can slime my enemies with genetically modified melted Camembert... and freeze them with Feta).
One could even say that I'm a "Freeklian": a Brazi-LIAN heart and a Gr-EEK spirit in a FR-ench Body!
That is to say... a huge MESS! :-p
I believe in Greek philosophy... which is much better than German philosophy, by far... Check out this to be convinced:
Ok, let's start to be serious, I'll now attend a serious presentation of my self:
- active "AGENT PROVOCATEUR" (usually an Angry Bull) the afternoon.
- crazy "PARTY ANIMAL" (most of the times a Leopard, some other times a Polar Bear...) by night.
- lazy "SLEEPING BEAST" - usually a Cat - the morning.
To make the story short: I'M A LIVING ZOO BY MYSELF! :-p
Before it got sold for a few millions dollars, I've met through CS a bunch of weird people along the years, here are THE MOST DELIGHTFUL REFERENCES people left me. This way, you'll understand well who I am, in through other people's eyes:
"Cedric is a tall man, at least 2m25 high, and when he shakes his head, his lion mane/hair is flying in the rising sun like the Greek flag over the Greek parlement"
- A nationalist (very) short (and short-sighted) Greek man
"When Cedric came to stay in our village, we immediately understood how great a guest he could be. He would have saved us half of the shrinking job, because his head is so small. Indeed he's a bit skinny, but we all agreed that even if there wouldn't be much to eat, he would be a really tasty dinner, special his bottom which would have been a great appetizer ('amuse-gueule' as we say in here). Shame that he couldn't stay long enough and disappeared in the middle of the cooking preparation. Ced, you come back whenever you want... you welcome!"
- A Oucha-Oucha headshrinker cannibal.
"Cédric is a cool guy and the only man on Earth able to drink 2 liters of rhum in less than 5min. He's the king of the night, I saw him during a dance contest on the dance floor against the ghost of Michael Jackson, and I can tell you that I couldn't see any difference between both of them... he might actually be Michael Jackson's ghost!"
- A drunken amnesiac.
"Cedric is sexy as a horny garden goblin. In Kashkaristan, after he visited us, we decided to use the name "Cedric" to describe a very masculine and handsome garden dwarf. 'You're really a Cedric' is nowadays considered as the best compliment for a garden dwarf in our country"
- A Kashkaristan garden fountain fairy.
"Cedric is a mix between Moise and Jesus: I saw him opening a corridor in the water of my swimming-pool to let my cat escape from an awful dog, then he made the water fall down on the ugly dribbing animal. And he returned back to the Heaven walking on the ray of a rainbow. Thanx Cedric for saving my cat."
- A schizophrene animal lover.
"I had the chance to meet Cedric in between two of his space missions on the Moon. He's so cool that he offered me for a ride in his rocket between Mars and Uranus. This was a marvellous experience. I must say that he drinks a lot when driving his rocket, but apart from this, he's the fastest man ever in this Universe and to Surf his rocket was the best experience of my life."
- An saturnine astrophysician under LSD.
Ok, I could paste other references, but that is enough! I guess you understood now how unbelievable, wonderful and amazing (and modest... :-p) I am...
Anima sana in corpore sano ("a sane soul in a sane body").
They didn't know it was impossible... so they did it!!! (Mark Twain)
(I've done a few things in my life which, once I had done it, looked retrospectively impossible... and yet... I'm still here! ;-).
You must have chaos - and a touch of madness - within you to give birth to a dancing star. (free interpretation of Nietzche's "Zarathustra")
我为什么加入 Couchsurfing
I registered on a Wednesday evening, I remember it as if it was yesterday - or maybe was it yesterday? As I've said already, I've got memory problems...
- Thursday - 9pm: I go for a drink with Myrto, an adorable girl - and one of my best friends nowadays - who had read my invitation on the CS Thessaloniki - Greece - forum.
- Friday - 2.30am : Myrto offers me to go the next day for a CS excursion to the top of Mount Olympe.
- Friday - 6pm : I'm on the highway to Olympos with Myrto and a German girl.
- Saturday - 9pm : I'm sitting together with 24 other Couch Surfers (from 8 nationalities) at 2.780m altitude, in the refuge right down from Mytikas, the mythic summit of Mt Olympe - and the official throne of Zeus!
- Sunday - 2.30am : I'm laying down in a sunchair next to Pantelis, Kostas and Patty, watching a great storm by night, with plenty of thunders and lightenings all around us.
- Sunday - 11pm : I'm welcoming Pantelis, Patty (Brazil), and Tulla (Israel) at my place, opening a great bottle of French wine at the castle, watching the gorgeous Thessaloniki bay getting slowly asleep.
- Sunday - 11.30pm : Pantelis offers me to join to go with them to his island - Kefalonia - the next day to stay at his family - on the other side of Greece!
- Monday - 10am : I'm on the road to Kefalonia in Pantelis' car.
- Monday - 5pm : I'm on a beach in Lefkada, enjoying a bath in the incredible white-blue water with the guys.
- Monday - 10pm : I'm eating - before sleeping - at Pantelis' grand-mother in Kefalonia.
What else can I say?
Hummm, maybe that, right there in Olympos, I met several of the best friends I have today.
Zeus rocks!!! (CS used to rock as well... before it got sold for a fistfull of dollars...:-(
Incredible I'm still alive after so much excitement through this website.
Shame they've sold CS for a piece of bread (actually 21 Millions Dollars... a bit more than what Judas got from the Romans): Casey Feyton is my personal Judas, I hope to meet him some day to tell him my way to think!
Everything which makes my mind and my knowledge bigger...
But let's give a few ones: apart from fine arts, I like:
- cooking - my grand-mother was better cook than Paul Bocuse... -
- wine tastings - the best wine of the world is coming from the place where I've been growing up -
- architecture - my plan is to marry an architect, so that she can sign the plans of my future house in the Cyclades islands... plans that I'll design myself, as I really love architecture, an art like cinema or music in my opinion.
- animals
- cats
- dogs
- arts
- humanities
- performing arts
- architecture
- design
- concerts
- festivals
- dancing
- cooking
- wine
- cheese
- wine tasting
- walking
- partying
- drinking
- flying
- gardening
- boating
- movies
- traveling
- billiards
- music
- skiing
- sports
- tennis
- swimming
- teaching
- emergency services
- languages
- science
- beaches
+ a few crazy movies like "Apocalypse Now", "Fly over a Cookoo's Nest", "Eternal Sunshine of...", "Amadeus", "Usual Suspects", "A bout de souffle", "The Big Lebowsky" (and other Coen Bros), "Runaway Train", "Birdy", "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"... and BRAZIL, of course!!!
MUSIC: ROCK (I'm quite much into Muse at this moment, but also Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix of course, the greatest of all!!!), JAZZ (specially Archie Shepp, Charlie Parker, Charlie Mingus...), BOSA NOVA... CLASSIC (Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Eric Satie...)...
I believe Shakespeare is the greatest writer of all. I specially love "Richard III" and "Mac Beth", I'm currently working on a voodoo adaptation of Richard III to be shot in Nigeria.
"The Little Prince" by St Exupéry, the most meaningful novel of all times for me...
"Alice in WOnderland" by Lewis Caroll, the most crazy and enjoyable one... (go to Kalder Olzig club in Berlin to enter into Wonderland for real!)
Actually I've already adapted these last two books into movies written, shot and edited in less than 48h (48h Film Festival), with only Couch Surfers as actors and technicians.
Alice in Wonderland ("In through the Corridor of Wonders"):
The Little Prince ("The Lost Hope"):
I'm in love with anything written by Albert Camus, because he speaks about the deep nature of the mankind...
Voyage au Bout de la Nuit, de Louis-Ferdinand Céline, is certainly the most epic book ever written in French.
I've read - and I actually still owe, standing religiously on a shelf at my parents' - the 44 novels of Philip K.Dick... the best being, according to me, "Ubik" and "The Three Stigmatas of Palmer Endrich"!
In general I've been quite in Sci-Fi at some point - and I still like it -, enjoying specially Asimov, Simak, Herbert and the fabulous and underestimated French writter Stefan Wul (read for example "Trap on Zarkass" to be convinced!).
Of course I loved "1984" - which depressed me for quite a while... - and "Brave New World", specially for the political meaning.
I do love political writings, for example the books from Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu and all the great French philosophs of the XVIIIth century.
I enjoy the irreverence of Montaigne and Rabelais.
...and the madness and absurdity in Kafka and Jarry's novels and plays.
Well... I've done quite a number of stupid things in my life...
For example: I jumped on the stage at Moby's concert in Rome (for the 40th Anniversary of the 1st man on the Moon) in front of 40.000 people, dressed as a Moon man, avoiding high level security to reach the Milky Way!!!
It's here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyyflFhdfoM(look at 3'34", you'll get a surprise...)The evidence:http://www.couchsurfing.org/image_gallery.html?id=2QJU6L5&folder=237231&skip=0#5504891
I passed a Magnum gun and 12kgs of Feta cheese through Athens International Airport together with a 35+kgs bag without paying a single cent of additional fee! (ok, i spent some time in the police station of the Airport... but I went through).But the real performance is that I was travelling with... Easy Jet!!!
I almost won a "bathtube race" on the Saône river, before sinking 5min before the arrival, in front of 10.000 people! (I almost sank together with the "boat" by the way... the bathtube is still laying in the bottom of the river!)
I can teach you how to mess up your life big time...I'm really good at it! :-)
And I can teach you how to make great enemies.... I'm very good at it also! :-P
Apart from this, I used to work as a photographer, I still have plenty of equipment and I can teach you how to frame or to play on the depth of the pictures.
I can also teach you tennis, ski or several other sports I practiced in competition over the years.
Because of my job and of my love for cinema, I'm also quite into movies and I can take you in my team when I direct the next one...
For example, I've taken part several times to the 48h Film Festival in Athens, in Rome and in Lyon. We won a few prices. Here are some examples:
- a Roman allegory ("The Great Robbery"):
- a French detective movie:
- a Temporal Road-movie talking about time travel by mushroom eating:
Last but not least, my favourite one, the fierce "Leopardman", shot in 5 countries and in 6 languages, featuring only CS buddies:
Part 1: http://vimeo.com/8975889
Part 2: http://vimeo.com/8992401
Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States
France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom
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